• Determination and modelling of bond properties of synthetic macro-fibres in concrete 

      Garnevičius, Mantas; Plioplys, Linas; Gribniak, Viktor (Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis. Statybos inžinerija = Science – Future of Lithuania. Civil engineering, 2021)
      Bond behaviour of a synthetic macro-fibre in concrete is the object of this research. The bond strength and stiffness are the parameters characterising the bonding mechanism that determines the efficiency of the reinforcing ...
    • Determination of concrete structural defects by infrared spectrum analysis 

      Gailius, Albinas; Žukauskas, Dangyras (Medžiagotyra, 2003)
      After loading, various damages and air inclusions are formed in the structure of concrete. It is natural that these changes have an influence on the thermal properties of concrete. The aim of this investigation was to find ...
    • Determination of impregnation of polystyrene foam boards 

      Vėjelis, Sigitas; Vaitkus, Saulius (Medžiagotyra, 2006)
      Article gives analysis of experimental results of water absorption by expanded polystyrene slabs. The investigation was carried out applying different test methods. It was established that the most precise results of water ...
    • Determination of the heat diffusivity in building materials at modeled fire conditions 

      Lukošius, Kęstutis; Mačiulaitis, Romualdas (Medžiagotyra, 2002)
      The assessment of building construction fire resistance often lacks information about physical properties of specific materials. In this article a short review of known methods of determination heat diffusivity at elevated ...
    • Determining reactivity level of granite aggregate for concrete 

      Rutkauskas, Aurimas; Nagrockienė, Džigita; Skripkiūnas, Gintautas; Barkauskas, Kęstutis (Construction science : scientific journal of RTU, 2017)
      Granite rubble is one of the most frequently used aggregates in concrete manufacturing. Granite rubble is considered to be a non-reactive aggregate, however, depending on the quarry, granite may have various impurities ...
    • Development and investigation of thermal insulation from hemp-polylactide fibres 

      Stapulionienė, Rūta; Tupčiauskas, Ramūnas; Vaitkus, Saulius; Vėjelis, Sigitas (Engineering structures and technologies, 2016)
      In the last two decades intensive grow of industry of building materials from renewable resources is observed. Such situation is related to some aspects: global warming, environmental pollution, impact on human health, ...
    • Dėl kai kurių netaisyklingos vartosenos atvejų suvirinimo srities mokslo darbuose 

      Gedzevičienė, Dalia; Gedzevičius, Irmantas (Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis = Science – future of Lithuania: mechanika, medžiagų inžinerija, pramonės inžinerija ir vadyba, 2011)
      Straipsnyje aptariama keletas dažnesnių netaisyklingos vartosenos atvejų suvirinimo srities mokslo darbuose – kai sudėtiniuose terminuose rūšiai ar daikto ypatybei išskirti vartojamos neįvardžiuotinės būdvardžių ir dalyvių ...
    • Dimensionally stable water-blown polyurethane foam extended with bio-based propylene glycol and modified with paper waste sludge 

      Kairytė, Agnė; Ivdre, Aiga; Vaitkus, Saulius (Engineering structures and technologies, 2017)
      Paper waste sludge (PWS) is the main and the greatest by-product in paper production process, and its elimination as well as destruction is a primary environmental problem. This research explores the feasibility of such ...
    • Drėgnio įtaka akytojo betono savybėms 

      Sinica, Marijonas; Sezeman, Georgij Arsenij; Mikulskis, Donatas; Česnauskas, Vytautas (Cheminė technologija, 2005)
      Remiantis EN 771-4 reikalavimais ištirta drėgnio įtaka autoklavinio akytojo betono (AAC) savybėms. Nustatyta, kad AAC vandens įgerties greitis 400 kg/m3 tankio bandiniuose bandymo pradžioje (po 10 min) yra beveik 25 % ...
    • Dujų betono su mišria rišančiąja medžiaga formavimo ypatumų tyrimai 

      Laukaitis, Antanas (Statyba = Building construction, 1995)
      Porous concrete is a cheap material produced from local raw materials. That is why, it is important to improve it's properties, especially the product's density. This paper deals with porous concrete made using a mixed ...
    • Dynamics of properties and structure changes of pearlite steel during long-lived operation 

      Rudzinskas, Vitalijus; Valiulis, Algirdas Vaclovas; Černašėjus, Olegas; Višniakov, Nikolaj (Medžiagotyra, 2003)
      A decision to continue to operate power-generating plants, when the initial resource of equipment working time is ended, and its further operation without considerable expenditures on repair and diagnostic of a metal state ...
    • Effect of spherical microceramics on hardness and wear resistance of Ni-based thermal sprayed coatings 

      Lebedev, Aleksandr; Juknevičius, Tautvydas; Škamat, Jelena (Material and mechanical engineering technology, 2022)
      In the present study, the spherical alumina microceramics was used to improve tribological properties and wear resistance of nickel-based thermal sprayed coatings. The powder mixtures containing 5, 10 and 20 wt. % of Al2O3 ...
    • Efficient mix design method and main properties of composite material 

      Adomavičius, Nerijus; Gailius, Albinas; Girnienė, Ingrida (Medžiagotyra, 2005)
      Examination of literature concerning methods of designing the compositions of composite materials shows that these methods, most of which are empirical and based primarily on a large number of experimental studies and lead ...
    • Ekologiški beasbesčiai termoizoliaciniai gaminiai 

      Sezeman, Georgij Arsenij; Laukaitis, Antanas (Aplinkos inžinerija, 2002)
      Nuo 2005 m. sausio 1 d. asbestą Lietuvos teritorijoje naudoti bus uždrausta. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama galimybė asbestą, kaip aplinką teršiančią bei sveikatai žalingą medžiagą, termoizoliaciniuose (Ρ - 200-250 kg/m3) ...
    • Ekovatos šiluminės techninės savybės 

      Gnip, Ivan; Keršulis, Vladislovas (Statyba = Civil engineering, 1998)
      The purpose of this investigation was to determine thermal technical properties of Ecocotton (or Ecofibre) -thermoinsulating material produced from waste newspaper, boric acid and borax and to evaluate the most optimal ...
    • Elektrolankinio purškimo būdu užpurkštų dangų technologinių savybių tyrimai 

      Gargasas, Justinas; Valiulis, Algirdas Vaclovas; Gedzevičius, Irmantas; Mikaliūnas, Šarūnas (Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis = Science – future of Lithuania: Mechanika, medžiagų inžinerija, pramonės inžinerija ir vadyba = Mechanics, material science, industrial engineering and management, 2013)
      Straipsnyje pateikiami elektrolankinio purškimo būdu užpurkštų dviejų skirtingos cheminės sudėties eksperimentinių Stein-mesyfil vielų sausosios trinties tyrimų rezultatai. Terminio purškimo būdu gautų dangų savybės priklauso ...
    • Elektromagnetiniai reiškiniai suvirinimo lanke 

      Keblas, Leonas (Konstrukcinės medžiagos ir suvirinimas, mokslo darbai, Nr. 1, 1994)
    • Experimental analysis of structure and deformation mechanisms of expanded polystyrene (EPS) slabs 

      Vaitkus, Saulius (Medžiagotyra: Presented at the National Conference "Materials Engineering’2006" (Kaunas, Lithuania, November 17, 2006), 2006)
      Durability and stability of polymeric foam products used in building application in most cases is associated with compressive strain. The mechanical characteristics of such products for the most part depend on the materials ...
    • Experimental establishment of linear wearing of metallic pair of the automobile engine 

      Brimienė, Vanda; Zautra, Rytis (Medžiagotyra, 2000)
      Metal pair of engine cast iron – steel was formed. Linear wearing investigation was performed on the test bench. During investigation of jack’s work surface wearing, the work on the test bench was the same as in the ...
    • Ežerų valymo produkto - sapropelio panaudojimo galimybių tyrimai 

      Žvironaitė, Jadvyga; Ciūnys, Antanas; Gerdžiūnas, Pranas (Aplinkos inžinerija, 2002)
      Uždumblėję Lietuvos ežerai būtų valomi daug intensyviau, jei plačiau būtų naudojamas pagrindinis ežerų valymo produktas - sapropelis. Tyrimai parodė, kad iš organinės kilmės sapropelio galima gauti rišiklį, tinkamą lengviems ...