• Horizontalių žemės plutos judesių tyrimo metodikų ypatumai 

      Zakarevičius, Algimantas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1996)
      Specific features of earth crust horizontal movement determination methods and their application according results of repeated observations of geodetic networks are analyzed. Methodics of earth crust horizontal movement ...
    • Influence of land cover on parameters of radio wave propagation model when Okumura-Hata formula is used for prediction 

      Radis, Dalius (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1999)
      Sparčiai vystantis mobiliųjų telekomunikacijų tinklams būtina greitai ir tiksliai juos planuoti. Vienas iš pagrindinių planavimo uždavinių yra elektromagnetinio lauko stiprumo prognozavimas. Šie duomenys naudojami parenkant ...
    • Įspūdingiausi fotogrametrijos mokslo ir technologijos plėtros istoriniai šuoliai 

      Vainauskas, Vincas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1997)
    • Kartografinių duomenų bazių valdymas 

      Stankevičius, Žilvinas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1998)
      Accumulation of a large number of digital maps poses a problem of their application in activities of utility companies and public organizations. The article advocates for one method of management and the use of a large ...
    • Konvergentinių vaizdų bloko panaudojimas fotogrametriniams uždaviniams spręsti 

      Vainauskas, Vincas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1995)
      Nowadays numerical reestablishment of bundles of projective rays and models has been proposed new possibilities and capabilities for photogrammetry. For improvement of accuracy and reliability of final results we have the ...
    • Lietuvos geodezija Europos erdvėje 

      Žalnierukas, Albinas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1998)
    • Lietuvos geodezinio tinklo horizontaliosios deformacijos 

      Zakarevičius, Algimantas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1998)
      Horizontal deformations of the Lithuanian geodetic network are evaluated according to the coordinate diferences of the triangulation network and the fundamental GPS network of Lithuania established in 1992- 1994. For the ...
    • Lietuvos geodezinio vertikaliojo tinklo sudarymo principai 

      Kazakevičius, Stasys-Vytautas; Petroškevičius, Petras; Zakarevičius, Algimantas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1999)
      Main principles of establishment and aspects of realisation of the Lithuanian geodetic vertical network as part of country’s geodetic network are analysed. Main purpose of the vertical network establishment is a creation ...
    • Lietuvos GPS pirmosios klasės tinklo matavimų rezultatų apdorojimas ir išlyginimas 

      Skeivalas, Jonas; Paršeliūnas, Eimuntas Kazimieras; Ramanauskas, Rimantas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1995)
      Report on the development of the Lithuanian first order GPS network is presented. The methods of the measurements resulty treatment are described and analysis of the accuracy of the co-ordinates of the points is done.
    • Lietuvos gravimetrinio pagrindo tyrimas ir tobulinimas 

      Petroškevičius, Petras; Paršeliūnas, Eimuntas Kazimieras (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1999)
      In this article the results of the analysis of the accuracy of the present Lithuanian gravity control are presented and recommendations for its rational development are given. A historical review of gravity observations ...
    • Lietuvos teritorijos geoido skaičiavimas 

      Petroškevičius, Petras; Paršeliūnas, Eimuntas Kazimieras (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1995)
      The Institute of Geodesy of Vilnius Technical University carried out campaigns in this agreement with the State Department of Surveying and Mapping and State Department of Geology for the determination of the Lithuanian ...
    • Lietuvos teritorijos kvazigeoido parametrų tikslinimas 1998 metais 

      Kazakevičius, Stasys-Vytautas; Paršeliūnas, Eimuntas Kazimieras (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1999)
      In this article the results of the accuracy analysis of the Digital Geoid Model of Lithuanian territory are presented and recommendations for the rational development of the Vertical geodetic control are given. The geoid ...
    • Lietuvos valstybinio GPS tinklo sudarymas 

      Petroškevičius, Petras; Ramanauskas, Rimantas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1995)
      The Lithuanian fundamental GPS network consists of zero, first and second order networks. Four points of zero order GPS network were established with the help of specialists from Nordic countries during the GPS campaign ...
    • Lietuvos valstybinio gravimetrinio nulinės klasės tinklo sudarymas 

      Mäkinen, Jaakko; Petroškevičius, Petras; Kazakevičius, Stasys-Vytautas; Stepanovienė, Jadvyga (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1995)
      The establishment of Lithuanian National Zero Order Gravity Network by observing absolute gravity force on sites is described. A review of gravity observations in Lithuania is provided. It was proved that present gravity ...
    • Lietuvos valstybinis GPS tinklas 

      Petroškevičius, Petras; Kazakevičius, Stasys-Vytautas; Kolosovskis, Ričardas; Krikštaponis, Boleslovas; Putrimas, Raimundas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1997)
      The Zero Order GPS Network covering the territories of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania was established in 1992, during the international EUREF BAL’92 GPS campaign. Errors of four Lithuanian Zero Order GPS Network stations ...
    • Matavimai pagal tarptautinį projektą BSL GPS - 93 

      Petroškevičius, Petras; Kazakevičius, Stasys-Vytautas; Stepanovienė, Jadvyga (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1995)
      Information on international Baltic Sea Level Project and on observations performed during the 1993 according the BSL project is presented in Lithuania.
    • Miesto GIS bazinio žemėlapio sudarymas stereofotogrametriniu metodu 

      Žalnierukas, Albinas; Ruzgienė, Birutė; Sužiedelytė Visockienė, Jūratė (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1996)
      The Geodesy Institute of Vilnius Technical University is accomplishing works on making the basic digital map for city Vilnius. Topographic databases are being formed. In constructing an appropriate specification the GIS ...
    • Netolygiųjų atsitiktinių deformacijų sumažinimas transformuojant fragmentiškai 

      Zakarevičius, Algimantas; Stankevičius, Žilvinas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1999)
      Many specialists in geodesy and cartography face the necessity of transformation from one coordinate system to another one. An important group of transformation work is the transformation in order to abolish different ...
    • Nulinės klasės GPS tinklo deformacijų analizė 

      Zakarevičius, Algimantas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1996)
      In 1992, with the help of the Nordic Countries the created EUEF.BAL.’92 network points AKMENlŠKIAI 0311, ŠAŠELIAI 0408, MEŠKONYS 0312, DAINAVĖLĖ 0409 (Lithuanian zero order GPS network), can be included into the base network ...
    • Nupjautojo Lp pasiskirstymo pradiniai ir centriniai momentai 

      Skeivalas, Jonas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1996)
      By changing the value p in the distribution Lp a new distribution family appears. In the single case, when the parameter value p = 2, we will have the normal distribution law. When analysing the measurement results there ...