Now showing items 21-40 of 934

    • Analysis of contact material of single friction plate in clutch system 

      Ozokutgen, Rengim; Okur, Melih (Inžinerinės ir edukacinės technologijos = Engineering and educational technologies, 2021)
      Many different materials are used in the clutch systems to satisfy different types of clutches. Research on different types of clutch systems and consequently friction materials is still ongoing. The transmission systems ...
    • Analysis of problems with containers as intermodal loading unit 

      Vasilis Vasiliauskas, Aidas; Bazaras, Darius (Transport and telecommunication, 2006)
      Current growth of freight flows between world economical regions stipulates increasing growth of the use of containers. They can be assumed as the most versatile type of loading units being in use all over the world. On ...
    • Analysis of short range measurements in the space 

      Giniotis, Vytautas; Stankūnas, Jonas (Aviacija: mokslo žurnalo "Transportas" priedas : Nr. 5: skirtas 400-sioms raketų mokslo pradininko Kazimiero Semenavičiaus gimimo metinėms ir 350-sioms jo knygos "Artis magnae artilleriae parts prima" išleidimo metinėms, 2000)
      The equipment is proposed for the position accuracy control of the flying objects in short-range space. It has some advantages over other observation or tracking systems. It has quite a wide range of applications and ...
    • Analysis of sustainable freight and passenger road transport development using ITS 

      Vasilis Vasiliauskas, Aidas; Jakubauskas, Gražvydas; Barysienė, Jurgita (Transport and telecommunication, 2008)
      The paper presents an analysis of measures to be taken for development of sustainable transport system. Increasing traffic intensity unavoidably requires faster development and modernisation of transport infrastructure, ...
    • Analysis of technical means used in EU for training of railway transport employees 

      Vaičiūnas, Gediminas; Zhyzhko, Victoria (Transport problems = Problemy transportu, 2009)
      Experience in training specialists of various professions in railway transport in European and CIS countries shows that the training consists, as a rule, of several basic stages: theoretical preparation, practical training ...
    • Analysis of the asphalt concrete density control methods and means 

      Šleikus, Saulius (Inžinerinė mechanika = Mechanical engineering : mokslo darbai, 1994)
      The quality and longevity of the asphalt concrete covering depend on a great number of factors. One of die main factors is the degree of compaction. If it’s insufficient the asphalt concrete layer contains the hollows ...
    • Analysis of the influence of the new system of vat taxation and its impact on the work of transportation companies working on the market of European Union 

      Litvinenko, Michail (Transport and telecommunication, 2005)
      In Lithuania, after joining the European Union, the system of monetary exchange between the load senders and operators (between juridical subjects) drastically changed. With appearance of common economic space, also, the ...
    • Analysis of the transport flows service time of the vehicles and the assessment of the ideterminancy of external impact 

      Jarašūnienė, Aldona (Transport and telecommunication, 2003)
      Basing on the assessment of formulation of the objectives of management of transport flows and on the indeterminancy of external impacts, it is possible to carry out a more detailed analysis of the distributions (according ...
    • Analysis of various car maneuvers road lengths 

      Žukas, Artūras (Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai = Journal of young scientists, 2010)
      The article examines various types of car manoeuvres, their usage possibility under miscellaneous situations. During critical situation car manoeuvring is compared with braking in term of avoiding car accident. It is also ...
    • Analysis of XFOIL calculation results of hinge moment coefficients for an airfoil group 

      Pakalnis, Egidijus (Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti. 6 serija. Mašinzinātne un transports. Dzelzceļa transports = Scientific proceedigs of Riga Technical university. Serija 6. Transport and engineering. Railway transport, 2002)
    • Angle and length measurements for machine and aviation engineering 

      Giniotis, Vytautas; Jakučionis, Algimantas (Aviacija: mokslo darbai : Nr. 4: skirtas Lietuvos karo aviacijos ir pirmosios aviacijos mokyklos Lietuvoje 80-mečiui, 1999)
    • Antiledodaros technikų taikymas atsižvelgiant į meteorologines sąlygas Vilniaus oro uoste 2012/2013 m 

      Apavičius, Aras; Čepaitytė, Regina (Aviacijos technologijos = Aviation technologies, 2014)
      Vilniaus aerodrome žiemos sezono metu orlaivių antiledodara atliekama dviem būdais – mechaniškai bei naudojant skystus chemikalus. Prevencijai nuo apledėjimo naudojamas chemikalas ,,Type 2“. Abiejų būdų naudojimas labai ...
    • Aplinkkelių įtakos transporto priemonių taršai Vilniuje analizė 

      Vitkūnas, Rolandas; Voišnienė, Violeta (Technologijos ir menas : tyrimai ir aktualijos, 2014)
      Transporto sistema yra labai svarbi užtikrinant socialinę ir ekonominę gerovę. Tačiau augantis automobilių skaičius didina degalų, ypač iškastinio kuro vartojimą, labiau teršia aplinką. Didėjant transporto srautams, kai ...
    • Aplinkoje atsirandančios radiacijos poveikis aviacijos darbuotojų sveikatai 

      Slauta, Oksana (Aviacijos technologijos = Aviation technologies, 2013)
      Vilniaus regione jūros lygio aukštyje kosminės radiacijos dozės vos siekia 0,04 μSv. Kylant aukštyn dėl apsauginio sluoksnio sumažėjimo jos didėja. Tarptautinių skrydžių metu orlaivių įgulos gaunamos kosminės radiacijos ...
    • Aplinkos oro neigiamos temperatūros įtakos geležinkelio konstrukcijos įšalimo gyliui Lietuvoje modeliavimas 

      Navikas, Deividas; Sivilevičius, Henrikas (Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis = Science – future of Lithuania: Statyba, transportas, aviacinės technologijos = Civil and transport engineering, aviation technologies, 2017)
      Straipsnyje pristatoma geležinkelio kelio konstrukcijos (GKK) sluoksnių temperatūrinio režimo modeliavimo „SV HEAT“ programa rezultatai. Jiems gauti naudojami šalčiausios žiemos Lietuvoje per pastaruosius 50 metų duomenys. ...
    • Application of a statistical analysis of traffic for the development of Lithuanian road network 

      Žilionienė, Daiva; Juzėnas, Antanas Aloyzas; Petkevičius, Kazys (Transport and telecommunication, 2005)
      For the purpose of making safe and convenient traffic road conditions Gravel Road Paving Projects have been implemented in Lithuania since 1998. According to the 1998-2000 Paving of Gravel Roads Program and 2001-2004 ...
    • Application of software, representing cumulonimbus clouds, in air traffic control 

      Derenčius, Giedrius; Ragauskas, Ugnius (Mokslas - Lietuvos ateitis. Aviacinės technologijos = Science – Future of Lithuania. Aviation technologies, 2022)
      In this paper we attempt to answer the question of whether the display of cumulonimbus clouds on air traffic controller radar screens has a significant impact on air traffic control. The developed cumulonimbus cloud mapping ...
    • Application of statistical methods for quality evaluation of asphalt concrete mixture production 

      Sivilevičius, Henrikas (Transport and telecommunication : proceedings of the international conference "Reliability and statistics in transportation and communication" (RelStat' 03), 16-17 October 2003 Riga, Latvi, 2004)
      Mathematical models revealing the ideal structural homogeneity of asphalt concrete, shown by uniform distribution of its mineral components (coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler) and bitumen, are presented. The asphalt ...
    • Application of technological means and modelling of process activity in transport terminals 

      Jarašūnienė, Aldona (Transport and telecommunication, 2006)
      This article deals with the analysis of technological means application and modelling of processes activities in transport terminals. The author describes the analysis of management by complex technical systems and estimates ...
    • Apskaita ir atskaitomybė transporto įmonėse 

      Lazauskas, Jonas (Transportas. Vilniaus technikos universitetas : mokslo darbai = Vilnius technical university. Transport engineering, 1994)
      The requirements are considered regarding the stock-taking and accounts at transport enterprises. Some problems of drawing up and designing the documents that reflect the necessary data are dealt with. The greatest attention ...