• Analysis of higher education marketing environment in Lithuania 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona; Friman, Margarita (Rīgas tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti. 3 serija: Ekonomika un uzņēmējdarbība = Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. Serija 3: Economics and Business, 2006)
      The authors emphasize the role of marketing in education. They article presents the different standpoints to marketing in educational establishments, emphasizing the similarities of marketing in education and service ...
    • Analysis of indicators of the information society development 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona (Scientific Proceedings of the Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering : III International Conference "Management and Engineering'05" : June 20-24, 2005 Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005)
      The article examines the diversity of concepts of the information society and models of the information society development and raises a problem of the evaluation of the information society development. The number of ...
    • Application of forecasting methods in business 

      Šečkutė, Laima; Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona (Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2003)
      In order to provide Lithuanian enterprises with methodical recommendations regarding forecasting, the authors of this article have analysed the advantages and limitations of various forecasting methods. The problem of the ...
    • Competitiveness of processed materials enterprise 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona (Индустриален мениджмънт, 2005)
      This article analyses the sources and conditions of competition at the processed materials enterprise. The aim of the article is to look at the main sources of the generation of competitive strategy according to contemporary ...
    • Demand forecasting cycle in business 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona; Šečkutė, Laima (Prace naukowe Katedry Ekonomii i Zarządzania Przedsiębiorstwem, 2005)
    • E-business opportunities for small and medium enterprises in Lithuania 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona; Jurkėnaitė, Nelė (SMEs in modern economics: selected issues / Gdansk University of Technology, 2008)
    • E-government development in Lithuania 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona; Jurkėnaitė, Nelė (Scientific Proceedings of the Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering : III International Conference "Management and Engineering'05" : June 20-24, 2005 Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005)
      Nowadays people can not imagine their life without informational technologies and telecommunications, which give opportunity to improve the efficiency of puhlic services, secure transparency of state institutions' activity, ...
    • Ekspertiniai prognozavimo metodai 

      Šečkutė, Laima; Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2003 : mokslo darbai : proceedings, 2004)
    • Ekspertinių įvertinimų vaidmuo, sudarant prognozes 

      Šečkutė, Laima; Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona (Statybos ekonomika ir valdymas : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 18: Statybos verslo valdymas, 1993)
      Большинство решений относительно будущего состояния исследуемых объектов принимается в условиях неполной определенности информации. Неопределенность зачастую исключает или значительно ограничивает возможность оценки будущего, ...
    • Factors of successful implementation of ERP systems 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona (Ekonomika ir vadyba = Economics and management, 2010)
      The aim of this article is to establish the factors of the success of implementation and analyse differences in evaluations opinions experts and users of ERP systems. Implementation of enterprise resource planning systems ...
    • Finansinių rodiklių prognozavimas 

      Rutkauskas, Aleksandras Vytautas; Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona; Šečkutė, Laima (Verslas: teorija ir praktika, 2003)
      Straipsnyje nagrinėjami pagrindiniai finansinių rodiklių analizės ir prognozavimo metodai esant neapibrėžtumui.
    • Finansų prognozavimas esant neapibrėžtumui 

      Rutkauskas, Aleksandras Vytautas; Šečkutė, Laima; Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona (Ekonomika : mokslo darbai, 2002)
      Straipsnyje nagrinėjami pagrindiniai finansų apskaitos ir analizės tikslai bei jų pasiekimo priemonės ir prielaidų, atliekant finansinę analizę ir prognozę, neadekvatumas. Parodoma, kad šį neadekvatumą lemia nepakankamas ...
    • Forecasting in small and medium business 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona; Šečkutė, Laima (Rīgas tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti. 3 serija: Ekonomika un uzņēmējdarbība = Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. Serija 3: Economics and Business, 2003)
      A wide variety of forecasting methods, insufficient awareness of the necessity of forecasting among business people, and the complexity of forecasting techniques hinder their practical application in small and medium-sized ...
    • Formulation of competitive strategy for processed materials enterprise 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona (Organizacijų vadyba : sisteminiai tyrimai, 2003)
      Straipsnyje nagrinėjama perdirbamųjų medžiagų gamybos įmonės (AB "Šiaulių Stumbras") konkuravimo aplinka bei konkuravimo ištakos. Remiantis šiuolaikinėmis konkurencijos teorijomis išanalizuoti pagrindiniai konkuravimo ...
    • Intelektinio kapitalo valdymas transporto sektoriuje 

      Znakovaitė, Asta; Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona (Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis = Science – future of Lithuania: Verslas XXI amžiuje = Business in XXI Century, 2010)
      Straipsnyje išanalizuotos intelektinio kapitalo dalys, intelektinio kapitalo valdymas bei intelektinio kapitalo valdymo ypatybės ir procesai, kuriuos įgyvendinant galima vertinti intelektinį įmonės kapitalą. Pateikiami ...
    • Kiekybinių metodų taikymas verslo valdymo procese 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      The article deals with applications of linear programming in business, as most of management problems involve resource allocation. Management decision making problems in such spheres as production planning, capital budgeting, ...
    • Knowledge and quality management in activities of enterprises 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona (Management and Engineering'10 : VIII International Scientific Conference, June 17-19, 2010 Sozopol, Bulgaria : conference proceedings of the Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering, 2010)
    • Knowledge management in enterprise quality management 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona; Vitkauskas, Romualdas (Prace i materiały Instytutu handlu zagranicznego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego = Working papers Institute of International Business University of Gdańsk. Nr. 28, T. 1 Wyzwania gospodarki globalnej, 2010)
    • Knowledge transfer models in higher education institutions 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona; Friman, Margarita (Management and Engineering'09 : VII International Scientific Conference, June 22-24, 2009 Sozopol, Bulgaria : conference proceedings of the Scientific-technical Union of Mechanical Engineering, 2009)
      An effective knowledge transfer between higher education institutions and industry could lead to the solutions and innovations that societies and economies need in time of the world financial and economic crisis. The aim ...