• Foresighted urban planning 

      Bardauskienė, Dalia; Pakalnis, Mindaugas (Aplinkos tyrimai, inžinerija ir vadyba = Environmental research, engineering and management, 2012)
      Lithuania is an urbanized country. The decisions of the soviet past have shaped a compact city character. After the Regaining of Independence in 1990, urbanization process was organized by the new territorial planning ...
    • Miestų užstatymo tankinimo metodikos parinkimas ir Vilniaus naujamiesčio tankinimo programa 

      Pakalnis, Mindaugas (Urbanistika ir architektūra : Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto ir Lietuvos mokslų akademijos mokslo žurnalas, 2000)
      In the soviet period the traditional principles in forming the town structure- plots and respect of private property - were ignored in Lithuania , and that caused a significant damage to normal development of town and their ...