• Development of the Lithuanian transport telecommunication sector 

      Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Transportas = Transport engineering, 1999)
      Atkūrus nepriklausomybę Lietuvoje labai padidėjo kelių transporto priemonių skaičius, eismo intensyvumas pagrindiniuose keliuose ir magistralinėse miestų gatvėse. Tai turėjo įtakos eismo įvykių augimui ir aplinkos užterštumui. ...
    • Geležinkelių restruktūrizavimas ir multimodalinių vežimų plėtra 

      Palšaitis, Ramūnas; Mačiulis, Alminas (Transportas = Transport engineering, 1997)
      The Lithuanian railway system is not adopted to an integration into the European transport system. In the nearest future it is planned to separate financially the infrastructure from the operational activities. The Lithuanian ...
    • Geležinkelių sektoriaus liberalizacija 

      Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Kelias : transportas ir logistika : mėnesinis žurnalas, 2004)
    • Impact of market liberalization to the passengers transformation by railway in Lithuania 

      Butkevičius, Jonas; Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Transport and telecommunication, 2005)
      An extensive set of national and international rules regulating passengers transportation by rail transport are acting in Lithuania. The impacts of the wide array of regulations have on the passengers transportation industry ...
    • Impact of market liberalization to the passengers’ transportation by rail in Lithuania 

      Butkevičius, Jonas; Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Transport and telecommunication, 2004)
    • Informacinės technologijos transporte 

      Paliulis, Rytis; Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      Recent situation with implementation of information technologies in industry and transport is analyzed. Possibilities of creation logistics information technologies and their implementation in medium and small firms are discussed.
    • Information technologies in Lithuanian firms 

      Paliulis, Narimantas Kazimieras; Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Ūkio technologinis ir ekonominis vystymas. T. 8: Technologiniai sprendimai rinkos ekonomikoje, 1994)
    • Interfaces between logistics centres and Lithuania economical development 

      Palšaitis, Ramūnas; Labanauskas, Gintautas (Transport and telecommunication, 2005)
      It is identified that the creation of regional logistics centres in Lithuania will have positive impact to the economical development of the country. Logistics centres in Kaunas, Vilnius and Klaipeda will be established ...
    • Keleivių ir krovinių vežimo geležinkeliu tendencijų analizė 

      Palšaitis, Ramūnas; Burkovskis, Raimondas (Transportas = Transport engineering, 1999)
      The study is based on statistical data and data collected by Lithuanian and foreign experts. From 1989 to 1997 the amount of freight transported by the Lithuanian railways decreased 2.7 times, passenger transportation ...
    • Lietuvos transporto sistemos plėtros planavimo principai 

      Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Transportas = Transport engineering, 1995)
      After restitution of independence of Lithuania it become very important to reorganize the system of transport and the national economy seeking to integrate republic into the system of West Europe. Therefore, preparation ...
    • Logistics centres and transit transport interfaces in Lithuania 

      Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Rīgas tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti. 3 serija: Ekonomika un uzņēmējdarbība = Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. Serija 3: Economics and Business, 2004)
    • Logistics service development and its research aspects 

      Bazaras, Darius; Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Transport and telecommunication, 2005)
      After restoration of Lithuania's independence the industry shifted from a highly structured and regulated industry to an industry operating in market conditions. Global supply chains extended for thousands kilometres. The ...
    • Logistinio bendradarbiavimo organizavimas 

      Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Transportas. Vilniaus technikos universitetas : mokslo darbai = Vilnius technical university. Transport engineering, 1994)
      The changes in business are very big in East Europe. These changes influence business perfomance which tends to drive trade and transport The close relationships between trade and transport must be created. Leeding firms ...
    • Products distribution optimization in the logistics network 

      Palšaitis, Ramūnas; Vislavičius, Kęstutis (Transport and telecommunication : proceedings of the international conference "Reliability and statistics in transportation and communication" (RelStat' 03), 16-17 October 2003 Riga, Latvi, 2004)
      The main feature of all projects of products distribution in the logistics network is an abundance of parameters, conditions and limitations. So, the products distribution optimization is a multicriterion problem, and it ...
    • Prospective of logistics training in Lithuania 

      Palšaitis, Ramūnas; Bazaras, Darius (Transport and telecommunication, 2006)
      In this article authors try to define the main problems and perspectives of logistics training in Lithuania. Also they described main reasons in training process, methodology and training costs. Very important point is ...
    • State and legal support of intermodal transport development 

      Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Transport and telecommunication, 2006)
      All the EU countries are harmonized with the EU legislation and regulations, and there are some international non-EU and EU acts and treaties, which support multimodal transport, especially the reduction of limitations on ...
    • Substantiation of transport infrastructure investment 

      Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Transport and telecommunication, 2006)
      All governmental institutions wish to obtain value for money from investment expenditure into transport infrastructure and need a robust technique to make comparisons between alternative schemes. This enables the technique ...
    • The cost structure of local public transport in Estonia and Lithuania 

      Rus, Gines De; Lopez, E.; Palšaitis, Ramūnas; Villemi, Mall; Dogson, Jonh (Transportas = Transport engineering, 1996)
      Atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad miestų visuomeninis transportas Baltijos šalyse yra perkrautas, parkas yra labai senas, trūksta atsarginių dalių. Naujas transporto priemones nupirkti labai sunku, nes jų kainos yra pasaulinės ...
    • The impact of liberalization of transportation market on the activities of freight railway enterprises in Lithuania 

      Burkovskis, Raimondas; Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Transport and telecommunication, 2005)
      Transport is one of the mostly regulated economic sectors in Europe. Every country regulates its transport system with the aim to achieve its objectives in the field of transport policy. The state implements its transport ...
    • Transporto ir tranzito plėtotės strategija 

      Šakalys, Algirdas; Palšaitis, Ramūnas; Jurkauskas, Algirdas; Paulauskas, Vytautas; Stankūnas, Jonas; Jarašūnienė, Aldona (Ilgalaikė Lietuvos ūkio (ekonomikos) plėtotės iki 2015 metų strategija, 2002)