• Audito statyboje koncepcija 

      Šimkus, Jonas Romualdas (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      This article examines the application of auditing theory to construction. A new formula for the auditing concept in the construction industry is presented. An auditing strategy is prepared which includes all the different ...
    • Betono stiprio gniuždant stabilumo gerinimas gaminant betono mišinius aktyvine gludinamąja technologija (AGT) 

      Garalevičius, Adolfas Ričardas; Kryževičius, J. (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      The new technology of fresh concrete production differs essentially the ordinary technology in that respect that multi-speed mixer is used, various mixing equipment of which can at the same time operate at the maximum speed ...
    • Biriųjų medžiagų segregacijos įtaka jų granuliometrinės sudėties vienodumui 

      Sivilevičius, Henrikas; Vitkūnas, Rolandas (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      There is a solution of a problem about influence of segregation of dry mineral materials and mixures to homogeneus of granular compositions. There is presented models of segregation, which show the degree of segregation ...
    • Daugiabučių pastatų šiluminės renovacijos priemonių ir šildymo-vėdinimo sistemų atsipirkimo įvertinimas 

      Lepkova, Natalija (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      At the meantime it is very important to have an efficient insulation in the block houses. Howewer insulation by external walls is not effective if the heating and ventilation systems are not efficient. Proposals are given ...
    • Funkcijų determinavimas įmonės valdyme 

      Dėjus, Titas; Mikšta, Pranas (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      In this paper the main factors such as government policy, local government policy, regulations, etc. influencing efficiency of companies are analysed.
    • Gaminamo asfaltbetonio mišinio sudėtį lemiančių veiksnių analizė 

      Sivilevičius, Henrikas (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      It was made an analysis of quality level for asphalt concrete mixture producing. It is given structural scheme of factors, which decides composition of produced asphalt concrete mixture.There were revealed and sistematized ...
    • Kaimo statinių vertinimo specifika 

      Šatkauskas, Gintautas; Lunkevičius, Sigitas (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      In this article discussion the problems about real estate. Radically problems are real estate valuation. Understanding and capability decide that problems are base universality modernize whole real estate system.
    • Klaidos vadybiškai struktūrizuojant statybos organizacijas 

      Butkus, Fabijonas Saulius (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      The common mistakes: either creating to developed functional part of organization’s management structure, or ignoring this part of strutcture at all in small construction organizations are described in the article. The ...
    • Lietuvos automobilių keliuose naudojamų atitvarų analizė 

      Bogdevičius, Marijonas; Prentkovskis, Olegas (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      In this article classification and analysis of automobile roads fences is presented. The stiffness of road fences is compared.
    • Pagrindiniai statybą reglamentuojantys dokumentai Europos sąjungoje 

      Banaitis, Audrius (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      In this paper the main construction industries regulations and development of harmonization policies of the EU and Lithuania is analysed. The main topics are concerned with public purchasing, the technical harmonization ...
    • Programinė įranga kaimo pastatų ir statinių vertinimui 

      Lunkevičius, Sigitas; Jakučionis, Sigitas (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      An application Estimate 1000 is presented in the abstract. This system is used for automated valuating of country-side constructions. Estimate 1000 was ordered by Lithuanian Agroeconomical Institute. Method of costs is ...
    • Statybinių organizacijų vertybinių popierių paklausos tyrimai 

      Tamošaitis, Romualdas; Valentukevičiūtė, Lina (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      Analysis securities of construction firms was made by comparison Portfolio of securities few the most expensive construction firms with the common situation on the Lithuanian stock market. Criteria for this analysis was: ...
    • Statybos įmonių veiklos efektyvumą aprašančių kriterijų tarpusavio įtakos analizė 

      Gaučas, Paulius (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      In dieser Arbeit schreibt man über die Baubetriebsstrukturen Litauens und über die Faktoren die sie einflußreich machen. Hier analisiert man die Strukturen des Betriebes und die Methodik die Faktorenmengen einschätzen. In ...
    • Statybos produkcijos kokybės gerinimas 

      Banaitienė, Nerija (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      There are presented the total quality conception and the analysis of the quality improving in the article. On base of this analysis is offered new point of view to total quality of construction product and its development ...
    • Šiluminės renovacijos sprendimų įvertinimas PC pagalba 

      Kaklauskas, Artūras; Ambrasas, Gintautas; Turskis, Zenonas (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      The purpose of this article is to adapt the new alternative design methods for the solution of tasks involving multipurpose complex assessment of thermal renovation solutions using PC. In order to achieve ultimate purpose ...
    • Šlako cemento klasifikacija, sudėtis ir savybės 

      Ustinovičius, Leonas; Jakučionis, Sigitas (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      A perspective construction material - slag cement was presented in conference SLAG CEMENT CEM III/A which took place in Poznan Technical University. Ingredients, properties, field of usage, are presented in the article. ...
    • Verslo plėtra Lietuvoje 

      Jaseliūnas, Arūnas (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      This article presents statistical data about activities of small and medium enterprises, analyses the programme of the Government, peculiarities of taxes and activities of the organisations that support small business, ...
    • Vilniaus miesto teritorinio užstatymo ekonominis įvertinimas 

      Strolytė, N.; Tamošaitis, Romualdas (Racionalūs sprendimai statyboje = Rational decisions in construction = Rationelle Entscheidungen im Bauwesen, 1997)
      The method for economical estimation of territorial development is based on comparison of different variants. This article deals with few additional criteria for comparison variants of territorial development: pollution ...