• An exploratory study on the revision of sharing models 

      Daškevič, Diana; Burinskienė, Aurelija (Journal of service, innovation and sustainable development, 2022)
      As the world enters the era of sharing, the countries of the European Union are prioritizing the application of sharing models as an area of the circular economy. In the article, the authors analyze the three models of the ...
    • Application of multichannel access and customer journey map in the context of innovative business projects 

      Retkutė-Rutkauskienė, Kristina; Davidavičienė, Vida (Journal of service, innovation and sustainable development, 2021)
      The rapid spread of financial technologies was significantly affected by the 2008 economic crisis. During the crisis, people's confidence in banking was severely weakened. The decisions taken by the banks were blamed for ...
    • Assessment of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the service sector in Lithuania 

      Seržantė, Milena; Pakalka, Algimantas (Economics and culture, 2022)
      Research purpose. This study aims to assess the impact of selected economic indicators (independent variables) on the turnover of food and beverage service companies in Lithuania. Design / Methodology / Approach. In order ...
    • Contemporary concept of business competitiveness 

      Burinskienė, Aurelija; Daškevič, Diana (Vadyba = Journal of management, 2023)
      Business competitiveness topic is widely discussed among researchers in various science disciplines and areas. Industries and companies have been forced to adapt their activity to various changes that have a significant ...
    • Factors of international business development outside domestic market 

      Burinskienė, Aurelija; Leonavičienė, Edita (Journal of service, innovation and sustainable development, 2022)
      In the process of globalization and the development of international business, the circumstances of multi-culturalism have become particularly relevant. Although cultural aspects have received a lot of attention in ...
    • Methodology for the multi-objective analysis of data sets in freight delivery 

      Dzemydienė, Dalė; Burinskienė, Aurelija; Miliauskas, Arūnas; Čižiūnienė, Kristina (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International journal of computer and systems engineering (IJCASE)., 2021)
      Data flow and the purpose of reporting the data are different and dependent on business needs. Different parameters are reported and transferred regularly during freight delivery. This business practices form the dataset ...
    • Optimisation methods for customers management process in service-oriented circular supply chain 

      Burinskienė, Aurelija (Journal of service, innovation and sustainable development, 2020)
      Researchers are giving greater attention to the concept of the circular supply chain since 2014. The circular supply chain involves more processes than linear supply chain, including returns delivery management, product ...
    • Risk management in international business development projects 

      Burinskienė, Aurelija; Leonavičienė, Edita (Journal of service, innovation and sustainable development, 2022)
      Solutions for the development of international business require special scientific knowledge due to the circumstances of their complexity. In globalization and the development of international business, risk management has ...
    • Saulės energetikos projektų plėtros tendencijos Lietuvoje 

      Guigaitė, Aurelija; Jakubavičius, Artūras (Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis. Ekonomika ir vadyba = Science – Future of Lithuania. Economics and management, 2022)
      Sparti atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių plėtra vyksta visame pasaulyje. Šiame straipsnyje aptariama vieno iš atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių – saulės energetikos – situacija pasaulyje bei Lietuvoje. Pastebima, jog ...
    • The application of business models in trading companies 

      Burinskienė, Aurelija (Journal of service, innovation and sustainable development, 2022)
      The study consists of two directions. The first is devoted to the analysis of the concept of business model in enterprises and elements of its structure; the second is the naming and application of specific business models ...
    • The development of sustainable transportation for e-grocery 

      Gružauskas, Valentas; Burinskienė, Aurelija (Vadyba = Journal of management, 2022)
      Growing demand for organic food products requires to rethink the current supply chain approaches for e-grocery. The shifting trend for e-commerce is requiring products to be delivered in small quantities, to multiple ...
    • The impact of social networks on supply chain management: Case studies of the food, fashion, and cosmetics industries 

      Radavičiūtė, Gabrielė; Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, Ieva (Journal of service, innovation and sustainable development, 2023)
      As the world has faced changes due to the pandemic and war in Ukraine, social networks are gaining growing importance in global supply chain management. In the article, the authors analyze the impact of social networks on ...