Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Analysis of second-order effects evaluation of steel frames behaviour 

      Venslavavičiūtė, Raminta; Urbonas, Kęstutis; Šapalas, Vaidotas (Engineering structures and technologies, 2020)
      The evaluation of second-order effects of steel framed structures can provide different analysis results than using linear analysis methods. In various structural engineering literature were distinguished different methods ...
    • Jis mokė mane ir iki šiol moko 

      Urbonas, Kęstutis (Rytdiena prasideda šiandien. VGTU rektorius Alfonsas Daniūnas, 2015)
    • Kolonos sienelės elgsenos poveikis sijos-kolonos mazgo lenkiamosios galios ir standžio rodikliams 

      Urbonas, Kęstutis; Daniūnas, Alfonsas (Engineering structures and technologies = Statybinės konstrukcijos ir technologijos, 2012)
      Straipsnyje apžvelgta tikrosios mazgų elgsenos įvertinimo svarba projektuojant ir gaminant plienines rėmines konstrukcijas, nagrinėjami mazgų rodiklių nustatymo metodai, plačiau pristatytas Eurokode 3 taikomas komponentų ...
    • Numerical tests of steel beam-to-column semi-rigid connections 

      Urbonas, Kęstutis; Daniūnas, Alfonsas (Journal of civil engineering and management, 2003)
      This paper presents an analysis of semi-rigid beam-to-column connections in which the beam is connected to column not at 90 degrees angle. Beam-to-column bolted end-plate connections that are subjected to pure bending were ...
    • Semi-riged steel joints under bending and axial force 

      Urbonas, Kęstutis; Daniūnas, Alfonsas (Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering : Polish - Ukrainian Transactions = Збiрник наукових праць Приднïпровськоï державноï академiï будiвництва та архiтектури та Варшавського технiчного унiверситету. T. 13, 2005)
    • The engineering method for unifying ground floor slab settlements 

      Urbonas, Kęstutis; Sližytė, Danutė; Šapalas, Antanas (Engineering structures and technologies, 2020)
      For industrial buildings and logistics centres truck lifts are usually used. Therefore, there are special requirements for flatness tolerance of ground floor. The ground floor settlements differences in selected distances ...