Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Investicijų į verslą skatinimo veiksniai 

      Valentinavičius, Stasys (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2004 : mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2004 : proceedings, 2005)
      Work goal - to analyze the concept, types, factors, development of investments in business and to propose the ways to foster the unvestment activities. The analysis of the Lithuanian investment policy in based on the ...
    • Investicinio įmonės patrauklumo vertinimas 

      Valentinavičius, Stasys (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2007: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2007: research papers, 2008)
      The article analyses the integrated analysis aspects and problems of company’s investment preference, including the overview of other author’s research in this field. In accordance with systematic analysis it formulates ...
    • Verslo įmonių augimo vertinimas ir valdymas remiantis ekonominiu pelnu 

      Valentinavičius, Stasys (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2003 : mokslo darbai : proceedings, 2004)