Now showing items 1-15 of 15

    • A model of construction work scheduling 

      Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras; Ginevičius, Romualdas; Andruškevičius, Algirdas (Zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej. Budownictwo, 2004)
      A scheduling model of construction activities aimed at choosing the most rational alternative based on a compromise solution has been constructed. In this process, the choice of the best option and the elicitation of the ...
    • Analiza osiadań budowli elektrowni cieplnej w Kłajpedzie 

      Prusinskiene, Sabina; Sližytė, Danutė (Zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej. Budownictwo, 2006)
      The subject of this paper is analysing of long term settlements of buildings Klaipėda power-station. Station was built at 1930. The considerable settlements were fixated at 1966. From these moment it was started process ...
    • Computer modeling of the characteristics and magnetic field of single - phase commutator motor 

      Karaliūnas, Bronius (Acta Mechanica et Automatica / Bialystok Technical University Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2008)
      The article presents some calculation results of dynamic characteristics of the single – phase series – excited commutator motors and magnetic field analysis. Single – phase commutator motors in up – to – date literature ...
    • Conflicts and their prevention in intercultural communication of business negotiations: the exchange of information and management of expections 

      Peleckis, Kęstutis (Ekonomia i zarządzanie = Economics and Management : zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej, 2014)
      Conflict analysis and their management showed that during the past decades its scientific understanding changed from the social sciences to interdisciplinary management fields. Conflicts are examined and defined in their ...
    • Dynamics of the air blower with gyroscopic couple 

      Vasylius, Marius; Augustaitis, Vytautas Kazimieras; Barzdaitis, Vytautas; Bogdevičius, Marijonas (Acta mechanica et automatica, 2008)
      To avoid damaging of tilting pad journal bearings, the problem of safety shut down of high speed air blower cantilever rotor becoming important in modern industry. The experimental testing, modeling and simulation of dynamic ...
    • Interdyscyplinarność i niestandardowe zastosowania wybranych nowoczesnych metod zarządzania w gospodarce w dorobku naukowym Profesora Joanicjusza Nazarko 

      Ejdys, Joanna; Ginevičius, Romualdas; Halicka, Katarzyna; Ustinovičius, Leonas (Ekonomia i zarządzanie = Economics and Management : zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej, 2014)
      Interdisciplinarity, which is a part of the research paradigm in all fields of science constitutes a real challenge in research. It manifests itself particularly in the diversity of the undertaken research topics, in the ...
    • State subsidies and their impact on business 

      Ginevičius, Romualdas; Bruzgė, Šarūnas; Ginevičienė, Vanda Birutė (Ekonomia i zarządzanie = Economics and Management : zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej, 2015)
      The effect of market regulation tools on business is a complex phenomenon, and the impact of such regulation could be both positive and negative. The enhancement of the positive effect is a scientific task which requires ...
    • Strategic management schools and business negotiation strategy of company operations 

      Peleckis, Kęstutis (Ekonomia i zarządzanie = Economics and Management : zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej, 2015)
      In order to develop a reasonable negotiation strategy, it is necessary to rely on strategic management principles and techniques. This article examines the issues on the application of strategic management theory in ...
    • The social state doctrine by Lorenz von Stein: a return to the sources of the social state 

      Eidukienė, Dalia (Zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej. Ekonomia i zarządzanie, 2008)
      However, the desire of the younger generation to reject the "welfare state", which is allegedly outdated and requires considerable material resources, and to adopt a more economical "social investment state" is still not ...
    • Wkład profesora A. Rozenbliuma w teorię żelbetu 

      Nakas, Algimantas Jonas (Zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej. Budownictwo, 2005)
      Professor, Doctor Habil Anatolijus Rozenbliumas created an original theory of calculating the reinforced concrete deformations. The theory was recognized by the most outstanding specialists in this field in the former ...
    • Анализ процесса территoриального планирования в Литве, Польше и Германии 

      Komarovska, Andželika; Peckienė, Aurelija; Rasiulis, Romas; Čepurnaitė, Jovita (Ekonomia i zarządzanie = Economics and Management : zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej, 2015)
      The paper conducted a systematic analysis of the spatial planning process in Lithuania, Poland and Germany. By analysis of spatial planning sector, the dominant root of the problem. Drawing up plans do not ensure balanced ...
    • Глобализация и проблемы национального государства 

      Eidukienė, Dalia (Rozprawy naukowe. Kultura - gospodarka - kształcenie. Wybrane problemy państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w dobie globalizacji / Politechnika Białostocka, 2006)
    • Глобализация и сохранение национальной идентичности 

      Pruskus, Valdas (Rozprawy naukowe. Kultura - gospodarka - kształcenie. Wybrane problemy państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w dobie globalizacji / Wydawnictwo Politechniki Białostockiej, 2006)
      values meaning not only protection but also openness and accessibility for other cultures (interchange). Second is rejection of servile position in relations with the EU and protection of effective and purposeful economic ...
    • Либеральная парадигма современного транзитного общества 

      Eidukienė, Dalia (Filozoficzno-kulturowe i prawno-gospodarcze aspekty procesów integracyjnych w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej : monografia. Rozprawy naukowe / Politechnika Białostocka, 2007)
      Crisis of modern democracy is solved in many cases with ideology. Revival of democracy in the Europe is directly connected with development of capitalism when it developed according to spirit and principles of classical ...
    • Оценка коммерческого потенциала высоких технологий 

      Zemlickienė, Vaida; Podvezko, Valentinas; Ustinovičius, Leonas (Economics and Management = Ekonomia i zarządzanie : zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej, 2014)
      It is widely accepted that the primary value of technology in relation to business and the national economy consists in the ability to generate high added value. R& D institutions are in need of a decision-making mechanism ...