Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Architektūra ir garsas Antikoje 

      Samalavičius, Almantas Liudas (Logos : Logos, 2005)
      The article deals with the relation of antique cosmology and its impact upon the architectural structures of Antiquity. Metaphysical beliefs shared by Orphics and eventually Pythagoreans who adopted the doctrines of their ...
    • Darnus tiesos pasaulis III: NOESIS kultūros hermeneutikoje 

      Kačerauskas, Tomas (Logos : Logos, 2005)
      The author analyses the problem of truth in science as well as culture. According to the author, truth appears in the whole of our proposes. Truth is inseparable from the concept of reality. The author believes that to ...
    • E. Husserlio intuicijos koncepcija 

      Monginaitė, Laimutė (Logos : Logos, 2005)
      E. Husserl's (1859-1938) phenomenological methodology, based on intuitive insights and procedures, has not lost its relevance. The employment of unusual intuitive data for the cognition of consciousness inspires studies ...
    • Individo laisvė ir rinka liberalizmo ir krikščioniškojo socialinio mokslo požiūriu 

      Pruskus, Valdas (Logos : Logos, 2005)
      From the standpoint of Christian social doctrine, the market is not only the result of the creation of the hands and mind of a human, and the work cannot be more important than its author. The values cherished by the market ...