Now showing items 1-14 of 14

    • Bankų ir įmonių santykiai 

      Chlivickas, Eugenijus; Paliulis, Narimantas Kazimieras (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      One of the most important condition of the economic development is analised efective cash flow in segment of banks and enterprises. Interrelation among those market of subjects carrying out financial analysis of enterprises ...
    • Finansinių rinkų raidos tendencijos 

      Rutkauskas, Aleksandras Vytautas; Vilkancas, Renaldas (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      Many of changes in financial system and movements in economic activity are closely related. What happens in financial system has a powerful impact up on the health of the nation's economy. On the other hand, the interests ...
    • Informacinės technologijos transporte 

      Paliulis, Rytis; Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      Recent situation with implementation of information technologies in industry and transport is analyzed. Possibilities of creation logistics information technologies and their implementation in medium and small firms are discussed.
    • Investicijos į miestų ir rajonų socialinę sferą 

      Marčėnas, Vaidotas; Mozūraitienė, Audronė (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      The role of infrastructure for economic and social development of region is shown in the paper. Evaluation of the level of development infrastructure in territorial units is necessary for the objective estimation of needs ...
    • Įmonės marketingo politikos formavimas 

      Narbutienė, Virginija (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      The economical situation in today's Lithuania is changing almost daily because of a transition from a planned to a market economy. The foundation of the total marketing concept in enterprise is very important to business success.
    • Kiekybinių metodų taikymas verslo valdymo procese 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      The article deals with applications of linear programming in business, as most of management problems involve resource allocation. Management decision making problems in such spheres as production planning, capital budgeting, ...
    • Konsultacinės įmonės marketingo informacinis aprūpinimas 

      Pesliakas, Kšištofas (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      Defining of consulting firm information influence of analysis and principle of establishment, and all so clasification of them. The demainds to organization of information provision are presented.
    • Pagrindinių organizacijų gyvavimo problemų suvokimas 

      Butkus, Fabijonas Saulius (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      On the basis of Ch.Barnard's and J.Thompson's scientific works and author's practical and scientific experience the essential points of organizational existence are analysed in this article. Author describes the types of ...
    • Užsienio investicijos Anglijoje 

      Karlavičius, Linas Vytautas (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      United Kingdom is country with good prospects for foreign investment. UK favours free enterprise and free trade systems. In UK is no threat of nationalisation, complete absence of exchange controls, no general restrictions ...
    • Užsienio investicijos Švedijoje 

      Karlavičius, Linas Vytautas (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      Sweeden is country with good prosprects for foreign investments. Sweeden favors free enterprise. In Sweeden is no threat of nationalisation, no exchange control restrictions, no discrimination against foreigners and no ...
    • Ūkio subjektų registrų sistema 

      Bivainis, Juozas; Bučas, Artūras (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      The issue of finding a rational variant of registration of subjects of the economy, the structure and operating of the system of state registers of subjects of the economy is discussed in the article. Main means of solution ...
    • Verslininkystės plėtojimo stabdžiai 

      Bagdonas, Vilhelmas (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      For successful development of enterpreneurship benevolent conditions such as: economical, political, tax, social and legal are necessary. Mindrances of business development particularly economical in Lithuania are considered ...
    • Verslo projektai: sudarymas ir valdymas 

      Rutkauskas, Aleksandras Vytautas; Jakštas, Vaidotas; Kubilis, Sigitas (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      The significance of knowledge and skill required for the development of business projects is determined by the fact that at present even growing part of business is being organised and managed by means of business projects. ...
    • Vyšegrado šalys europinės integracijos sistemoje: ekonominis potencialas ir transformacijos 

      Melnikas, Borisas (Verslas = Business : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 21, 1995)
      Described the role of the Vysegrad - States in the System of the european integration. Characterized the economical potential of those states (fossils, industry, another branches, main towns and economical regions). ...