Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • BUILD UP skills - Lithuania : Status QUO analysis 

      Vilutienė, Tatjana; Ambrasas, Gintautas; Ramanauskas, Juozas; Encius, Robertas; Pesliakas, Kšištofas; Šarka, Vaidotas; Laurynaitienė, Gražina; Bureikis, Justinas; Jonauskis, Mantas; Kazakevičius, Vaidas; Vaitkevičius, Albinas (2013)
      The sole responsibility for the content of this publication etc lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission is responsible for any ...
    • BUILD-UP skills. Roadmap for training workforce in Lithuanian construction sector in order to meet energy offeciency targets 2020 

      Ramanauskas, Juozas; Bliudžius, Raimondas; Vilutienė, Tatjana; Ambrasas, Gintautas; Encius, Robertas; Pesliakas, Kšištofas; Šarka, Vaidotas; Laurynaitienė, Gražina; Bureikis, Justinas; Jonauskis, Mantas; Kazakevičius, Vaidas (2013)
      The sole responsibility for the content of this publication etc. lies with the authors. The document does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission is responsible ...