• Engineering mechanics. Concise theory and examples 

      Ragauskas, Paulius; Šešok, Dmitrij; Mačiūnas, Darius; Glėbienė, Elena (2016)
      This study book contains a set of parts of classical mechanics – statics, kinematics and kinetics. The study book is written on the basis of the course of Engineering Mechanics, approved by Vilnius Gediminas Technical ...
    • Gamybos technologijos. Metodiniai nurodymai ir laboratorinių darbų aprašai 

      Jurevičius, Mindaugas; Kilikevičius, Artūras (2015)
      Metodiniuose nurodymuose pateikta metodinė medžiaga apie pagrindinius detalių mechaninio apdirbimo būdus ir laboratorinių darbų aprašai, kuriuose suformuluotas kiekvieno laboratorinio darbo tikslas, užduotis, darbo atlikimo ...
    • Meet english language technical terms. Mechanical engineering 

      Miščenko, Olga (2014)
      The educational book Meet English Language Technical Terms has been prepared for the students, studying Mechanical Engineering. The material for the exercises in tasks is concerned with the subjects, taught at the Technical ...