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dc.contributor.authorČereška, Audrius
dc.description.abstractMokslo darbų apžvalgoje aptariamos adaptyviųjų hidrodinaminių segmentinių guolių diagnostikos problemos ir jų aktualumas, pateikiamas tyrimų tikslas ir uždaviniai, tyrimų metodai, darbo rezultatų aprobavimas. Apžvelgiami analitiniai ir eksperimentiniai tyrimai, tyrimų įranga. Apžvalgos pabaigoje apibendrinami gauti rezultatai, formuluojamos išvados, akcentuojama atliktų tyrimų praktinė reikšmė bei numatomos tolesnių tyrimų kryptys.lit
dc.description.abstractDiagnostic research of rotary systems with hydrodynamic sliding friction bearings must be doing that this could not happen. The objective of research is to reason theoretically and with experiments getting results of mechanic dynamic systems with adaptive hydrodynamic elements of research, using methods of all-in-on control. Vibrations, hydrodynamic and other technological processes being in mechanic dynamic systems with technological rotary components, in that are assembles hydrodynamic sliding friction bearings are researched and analyzed with reference to new methods. These problems were done to meet this an aim: – it is made and used original analysis system of measurements and results for research of several elements of mechanic dynamic systems, with methods of all-in-on control; – it is made methodology of diagnostic measurements and results; – it is done original experimental temperature research of vibroactivity of several elements of mechanic dynamic systems, applying all-in-on control. they are supported with theory of Reinoldsas, theory of planning of vibrations and experiments, with methods of theoretical and experimental mechanic and mathematics statistics. Experimental research of mechanic dynamic systems are done using experimental measurement mechanism of vibrations and other technological parameters and programming installation of compute ring analysis. Analytic and experimental research of mechanic dynamic systems with rotary adaptive hydrodynamic elements are done. Getting results of theoretical research are appreciated and approbated with experimental results of research. Adequacy of results of theoretical and experimental research is supported using of theoretical models to model dynamic processes in mechanic dynamic systems, for its technical state, changing work parameters, to rate, to prognosticate growth of breakdowns and to realize prevention of sudden breakdowns. [...]eng
dc.format.extent32 p.
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titleMechaninių dinaminių sistemų su adaptyviaisiais hidrodinaminiais elementais diagnostiniai tyrimai
dc.typeHabilitacijos procedūrai teikiamų mokslo darbų apžvalga / An overview of research works submitted for a habilitation procedure
dc.type.pubtypeETD_HBL_A - Habilitacijos procedūrai teikiamų mokslo darbų apžvalga / An overview of scientific papers submitted for a habilitation procedure
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyMechanikos fakultetas / Faculty of Mechanics
dc.subject.researchfieldT 009 - Mechanikos inžinerija / Mechanical enginering

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