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dc.contributor.authorPetrauskas, Linas
dc.description.abstractParticulate matters – affected air pollution and air pollution sources in the Northern part of Klaipeda are being analysed in the final work. The first part of the work focuses on the air pollution in Lithuania and worldwide, leteron methods and devices for measuring the concentration of the particulate matters in the air are being analysed. Earlier research works on this subject are being analysed together with various information sources. With the help of modern efficient air polution measurement devices, particulate matters – affected air pollution and air pollution causes in the Northern part of Klaipeda were examined. After collecting data on transport concentration in certain streets of the seaport, it was possible to do the modelling of segments of these streets. the resuls of the modelling are being compared with the results of the pre-existing research. The conclusions and recommendations of the final work are based on the analyses of the particulate matters – affected air pollution and itas spread in Klaipeda. the work consists of 8 parts; the Introduction, the Literature overview, the analyses of the air pollution estimation methods and devices, Particulate matters – affected air pollution analyses in Klaipeda city, the modelling of the particulate matters spread in the seaport, Conclusions, Suggestions and References. The volume of work is 119 p., excluding appendices, 56 illustrations, 17 Figures, 58 reference sources. Articles for publication and publications are added as supplementary material.eng
dc.format.extent119 p.
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.rightsLaisvai prieinamas internete
dc.titleKlaipėdos miesto šiaurinės dalies oro taršos tyrimai ir modeliavimas
dc.title.alternativeInvestigation and modeling of the ambient pollution in Klaipeda city northern part
dc.typeMagistro darbas / Master thesis
dc.type.pubtypeETD_MGR - Magistro darbas / Master thesis
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.subject.researchfieldT 004 - Aplinkos inžinerija / Environmental engineering
dc.subject.enparticulate matter
dc.subject.enair pollution
dc.subject.enoro užterštumas
dc.subject.enkietosios dalelės
dc.subject.enpollution from transport
dc.subject.entransporto tarša
dc.subject.enoro tarša
dc.publisher.nameLithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT)

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