Rodyti trumpą aprašą

dc.contributor.authorMorkūnas, Algirdas
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of the Master paper is to make fire investigations analysis, to find its problems ant find a way to solve them. Also suggest new alternative fire investigation methods. In the first part of my work I studied fire investigation analysis disputed all the methods of fire investigation used in Lithuania. I found and disputed limitations of fire investigation methods and found few solutions for them. I describe new alternative fire investigation methods used abroad. In the second part of my work I have analyzed new fire investigation method- fire dynamic simulator. I Studied principles and use opportunities of FDS- MOKEWIEV and SMARTFIRE programs. In the third part I wrote few concrete examples when these two fire dynamic simulation programs were used. I have also described test computation with SMARTFIRE fire dynamic simulator. I have wrote conclusions and suggested about fire investigation.lit
dc.format.extent79 p.
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titleGaisrų ekspertizių analizė ir jų plėtojimo perspektyvos
dc.title.alternativeFire investigations analysis and development
dc.typeMagistro darbas / Master thesis
dc.type.pubtypeETD_MGR - Magistro darbas / Master thesis
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.subject.researchfieldT 002 - Statybos inžinerija / Construction and engineering
dc.subject.ltgaisrų tyrimo metodai
dc.subject.ltfire safety engineering
dc.subject.ltfire investigation
dc.subject.ltgaisro ekspertizė
dc.subject.ltmethods of fire investigation
dc.subject.ltgaisrinės saugos inžinerija
dc.subject.ltkompiuterinis gaisro modeliavimas
dc.subject.ltgaisro tyrimas
dc.subject.ltfire dynamic simulation
dc.publisher.nameLithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT)

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