Rodyti trumpą aprašą

dc.contributor.authorTolkačiovas, Justas
dc.description.abstractBaigiamajame magistro darbe atliekamas orlaivio sparno atsparumo išoriniam poveikiui tyrimas. Skaitiniu, baigtinių elementų metodu, siekiama ištirti procesus sparno konstrukcijoje smūgio metu. Naudojant skaitinio tyrimo programą ANSYS darbe analizuojamos (Tayloro testu) supaprastintos skirtingos medžiagos. Išanalizavus medžiagas Tayloro testu, skaitiniu būdu sukuriamas oro mūšio modelio sparnas, parenkant skirtingas medžiagas jo dalims modeliuoti. Siekiant patikrinti programos patikimumą, atliekami skaitiniai patikrinimai su gerai žinomos medžiagos charakteristikomis. Gauti rezultatai pateikiami išvadose.lit
dc.description.abstractIn the master thesis the investigation of aircraft wing deformation is presented. By using a numerical finite element method it was tried to investigate processes in the wing structure during the impact upon the wing construction by propeler. In this paper different simplified materials were used and analyzed (according to the Taylor test) with the help of numerical finite element programme ‘ANSYS’. The materials used and analyzed are the ones that are suitable for the production of air fight model wing. After the analysis by the Taylor Test the air fight model wing can be created using the numerical finite element method. In such a way different materials can be used for the design of its parts. Numerical finite element method results achieved during the comparison to the results of well known material characteristics so as to check the reliability of the programme. The results achieved are presented in the Conclutions.eng
dc.format.extent57 p.
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.rightsLaisvai prieinamas internete
dc.subject00 - Klasifikacija netaikoma / Classification does not apply
dc.titleOrlaivio sparno atsparumo išoriniam poveikiui tyrimas
dc.title.alternativeInvestigation of Aircraft Wing Deformation
dc.typeMagistro darbas / Master thesis
dc.type.pubtypeETD_MGR - Magistro darbas / Master thesis
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.subject.studydirectionE14 - Aeronautikos inžinerija / Aerospace engineering
dc.subject.ltBaigtinių elementų metodas
dc.subject.ltTayloro testa
dc.subject.ltSkaitinis modelis.
dc.subject.enFinite element method
dc.subject.enTaylor test
dc.subject.enNumerical model.

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Rodyti trumpą aprašą