Rodyti trumpą aprašą

dc.contributor.authorMierauskas, Pranas
dc.description.abstractThe aims of functional evaluation (assessment) of certain natural ecosystems (areas) are to cetermine the conservation value, antropogenic impact and environmental management. Conservation evaluation (assessment) of natural ecosystems is mainly based on criteria such as naturalness, uniqueness, biodiversity and species rarity. Nature areas are ranked according to importance based on a selected criteria. However, it is difficult to combine these different values into one total value for certain area as ; whole and to translate into numerical (economic) value. Antropogenic impact evaluation is related to the actual or potential negative hitman activities on natural ecosystems such as industry, agriculture, forestry, development of infrastructure, recreation. Environmental management evaluation (positive environmental impact) attempts to assess the effects of management measures intended to restore or rehabilitate natural ecosystems. It is necessary to find numerical expressions and to translate environmental assessment into economic information.eng
dc.format.extentp. 33
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titleMethodological principles of functional and economic evaluation (assessment) of natural ecosystems
dc.title.alternativeGamtinių ekosistemų funkcinis ir ekonominis įvertinimas
dc.typeKitos konferencijų pranešimų santraukos / Other conference presentation abstracts
dc.type.pubtypeT3 - Kitos konferencijos pranešimo tezės / Other conference presentation abstracts
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyAplinkos inžinerijos fakultetas / Faculty of Environmental Engineering
dc.contributor.departmentAplinkos apsaugos katedra / Department of Environmental Protection
dc.subject.researchfieldT 004 - Aplinkos inžinerija / Environmental engineering
dcterms.sourcetitleTarptautinės konferencijos "Miesto inžinerija ir aplinka" programa [ir anotacijos] = International conference "Civil engineering and environment" program : 1994 rugsėjo 22-23 d. / Vilniaus technikos universitetas

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