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dc.contributor.authorHoseini, Seyed Amirali
dc.contributor.authorZolfani, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani
dc.contributor.authorSkačkauskas, Paulius
dc.contributor.authorFallahpour, Alireza
dc.contributor.authorSaberi, Sara
dc.description.abstractSelecting the most resilient supplier is a crucial problem for organizations and managers in the supply chain. However, due to the inherited high degree of uncertainty in real-life projects, developing a decision-making framework in a crisp or fuzzy environment may not present accurate or reliable results for the managers. For this reason, it is better to evaluate the potential suppliers in an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy (IT2F) environment for better dealing with this ambiguity. This study developed an improved combined IT2F Best Worst Method (BWM) and IT2F technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) model “Atieh Sazan” Co. as a case study, such that the IT2FBWM was employed for obtaining the weight of criteria. The IT2FTOPSIS was utilized for ranking the potential suppliers based on Hamming distance measure. In both phases, the opinions of experts as IT2F linguistic terms were employed for weighting the criteria and obtaining the relative importance of the alternatives in terms of the evaluative criteria. After obtaining the final results, the proposed model was validated by replacing Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) approaches separately instead of BWM for weighting the criteria. After executing both new models, it was found that the final ranking was similar to the final ranking of the proposed model, representing the reliability and accuracy of the obtained results. Moreover, it was concluded that the resilient criteria of “Reorganization” and “Redundancy” are the most determinant measures for selecting the best supplier rather than measures in the Iranian Construction Industry.eng
dc.format.extentp. 1-24
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.relation.isreferencedbyScience Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)
dc.relation.isreferencedbyGale's Academic OneFile
dc.rightsLaisvai prieinamas internete
dc.titleA combined interval Type-2 Fuzzy MCDM framework for the resilient supplier selection problem
dc.typeStraipsnis Web of Science DB / Article in Web of Science DB
dcterms.accessRightsThis article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
dcterms.licenseCreative Commons – Attribution – 4.0 International
dc.type.pubtypeS1 - Straipsnis Web of Science DB / Web of Science DB article
dc.contributor.institutionIran University of Science and Technology
dc.contributor.institutionCatholic University of the North
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.institutionUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia
dc.contributor.institutionWorcester Polytechnic Institute
dc.contributor.facultyTransporto inžinerijos fakultetas / Faculty of Transport Engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldT 003 - Transporto inžinerija / Transport engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldS 003 - Vadyba / Management
dc.subject.studydirectionE12 - Transporto inžinerija / Transport engineering
dc.subject.vgtuprioritizedfieldsTD0303 - Žalioji logistika, tarptautiniai transporto koridoriai / Green logistics and international transport corridors
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL106 - Transportas, logistika ir informacinės ir ryšių technologijos (IRT) / Transport, logistic and information and communication technologies
dc.subject.enresilient supplier selection
dc.subject.eninterval type-2 fuzzy set
dc.subject.enmultiple criteria decision making (MCDM)
dcterms.sourcetitleMathematics: Multi-criteria decision making and data mining
dc.description.issueiss. 1
dc.description.volumevol. 10

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