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dc.contributor.authorStasiulis, Edmundas
dc.contributor.authorGūzas, Eugenijus
dc.contributor.authorAndziulis, Donaldas
dc.description.abstractŠis leidinys – netiesioginė pažintis su Edmundo Stasiulio asmenybe, inicijuo - jama talentingo architekto autobiografinio pasakojimo apie gyvenimo patirtis ir kūrybinę veiklą . Versdamas knygos puslapius skaitytojas susipažins ne tik su E . Stasiulio darbais, bet ir su jo asmenybę formavusia aplinka . Akivaizdus autoriaus noras apmąstant savo kūrybą, pasaulėžiūrą, santykius su kolegomis ir užsakovais ne tik pateikti faktus ir aprašyti įvykius, bet ir atskleisti jų priežastis. Autobiografija – subjektyvus pasakojimas. Paskleisdamas visą asmeninės patirties spalvų paletę autorius sukuria skaitytojui galimybę pažinti jį patį ir jo kūrybą.lit
dc.description.abstractThis publication indirectly acquaints the reader with the famous Lithuanian architect Edmundas Stasiulis. It begins with an autobiographical narrative about his life experiences and creative activities. By turning the pages of this book, the reader will learn about the works created by Edmundas Stasiulis and also about the environment that shaped his personality. It is clear that by reflecting on his work, worldview, and relationships with his colleagues and clients, the author went beyond presenting facts and describing events – he also sought to explain their reasons. An autobiography is a subjective narrative. By presenting a full palette of personal experiences, the author creates an opportunity for the reader to get to know him and his work. Edmundas Stasiulis has made a distinctive mark in Lithuanian architecture. In addition to his most famous architectural projects, this book also presents those that are of lesser calibre and reveals their underlying circumstances, ideas, design twists and missteps – often with a dose of healthy self-criticism. The stories surrounding his design process allow us to see the period when these works were created through the author‘s eyes . Edmundas Stasiulis‘ autobiography is especially interesting because it reveals how this architect‘s thinking and his creative ideas evolved over time. This author does not delve into a broader phenomenological analysis of his work; however, his bold openness to the reader is worthy of respect as it shows many nuances of his creative process. It is probably safe to say that this publication will help us get acquainted with the multifaceted process of an architect‘s work, the aim of which is to impart the corresponding spatial structure and form to an object of a certain function. This is realized by employing professional and artistic skills and creatively finding solutions under the given circumstances. In the final chapter of this book, Eugenijus Gūzas starts his remarks about the problems, creative path, circumstances, and processes touched upon in Edmundas Stasiulis‘ autobiography with a rhetorical question: “What indeed is an architect?” The answer to this question varies depending on Stasiulis’ creative explorations and the project he is working on. It is also based on the terms and meaning of the architect‘s creative code. This leads us to natural questions: Are different solutions the result of the same “coding” that is repeated again and again? To what extent is Stasiulis‘ IDENTIFICATION CODE an expressed sequence of forms or symbols, and to what extent – unexpressed factors inherent in the creative process itself? Because the author chooses not to reveal the content of his code, readers may interpret it in their own way; at the same time, this gives meaning to Stasiulis‘ creative activity, his achievements, and the material of this publication. The development of Edmundas Stasiulis‘ creative work is inseparable from the changes of time. The Soviet period, which was rather stable thanks to state commissions, was marked by architectural projects that were realized and favourably evaluated . In the early years of Lithuania‘s independence, during the era of “wild capitalism”, construction and architecture underwent radical changes. The wave of commissions from the newly rich, whose ideas were often utopian, turned out to be a disappointment for many architects, including Stasiulis, because many designs were never implemented and ended up in personal archives. This was a heavy and irreparable moral burden for many prominent architects, and each of them tried to deal with it in his own way. Even though difficult circumstances prevented him from realizing his skilfully prepared designs, Stasiulis did not limit his creative activity. In addition, he took up teaching at the Department of Architecture of the Vilnius Academy of Arts. He was awarded the title of professor of arts, which shows that Stasiulis‘ pedagogical activity was highly valued. This accomplished architect is successfully realizing himself in other creative fields as well . In this book Stasiulis also introduces himself as a creator of ex-librises. Although the bookplates included here account for only a small part of his ex-librises, they are truly inventive and masterfully executed. In recent years, after limiting his design activities and escaping from the routine of computer-aided design, Stasiulis unlocked his creative potential in drawings and watercolours. This publication presents the most significant projects designed by Stasiulis: the Litexpo exhibition complex, the present-day Congress Hall with the building of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, the swimming pool in Lazdynai, the Ibrahim shopping centre and its extension – the Hero business centre. The twists and turns during their design and construction as well as frequent additions, reconstructions, and other measures aimed to extend their life cycle constantly required Stasiulis’ involvement in adapting the buildings to the new needs of the ever-changing owners. Stasiulis could be called a record holder of such “loyalty” – one who does not stop improving his long-lasting works. The stories surrounding these projects show that they emerged in different situations. This makes us reflect on the development of architectural works and their abilities to survive in a changing social and economic situation, the needs of society, and the environment . Even though external circumstances play a role, the results of this development mostly depend on mutual understanding and the coordination of interests in a changing circle of co-authors and clients. This book was compiled and published with the support of the Lithuanian Council for Culture. The publication of Edmundas Stasiulis‘ biography was also made possible by the support of private sponsors – Realco, UAB, and Cloud Architektai, UAB. I would like to thank the entire team who worked closely together to prepare this publication.eng
dc.format.extent248 p.
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titleEdmundas Stasiulis. Atpažinimo kodas
dc.typeKita knyga / Other book
dc.type.pubtypeK4e - Kitas leidinys / Other publication
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus dailės akademija
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyArchitektūros fakultetas / Faculty of Architecture
dc.subject.researchfieldV 001 - Architektūra / Architecture
dc.subject.studydirectionP09 - Architektūra / Architecture
dc.subject.vgtuprioritizedfieldsSD0303 - Architektūra ir urbanistinė aplinka / Architecture and Built Environment
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL103 - Įtrauki ir kūrybinga visuomenė / Inclusive and creative society
dc.subject.ltLietuvos architektūros istorija
dc.publisher.nameEx Arte

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