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dc.contributor.authorDavidavičienė, Vida
dc.contributor.authorPaliulis, Narimantas Kazimieras
dc.contributor.authorRaudeliūnienė, Jurgita
dc.contributor.authorStankevičienė, Jelena
dc.contributor.authorIurasov, Aleksei
dc.contributor.authorDneprovskay, Natalia
dc.contributor.authorAlekseeva, Tamara
dc.contributor.authorDik, Vladimir
dc.contributor.authorKameneva, Natalia
dc.contributor.authorKasatkina, Svetlana
dc.contributor.authorKharitonov, Sergey
dc.contributor.authorMakarenkova, Ekaterina
dc.contributor.authorPavlekovskaya, Irina
dc.contributor.authorSemkina, Tatiana
dc.contributor.authorUrintsov, Arkadiy
dc.contributor.authorManeliuk, Lilija
dc.contributor.authorNetsvetaiev, Vladimir
dc.contributor.authorTiukhmenova, Kseniia
dc.contributor.authorKasymova, Nazokat
dc.contributor.authorUsmanova, Khursana
dc.contributor.authorSterenharz, Arnold
dc.description.abstractThe idea and the possibility of creating this book emerged as a result of the cooperation of professors, lecturers and scientists from Russia, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Israel, Ukraine in the project TEMPUS — ECOMMIS ("double-level training programs of e-commerce for developing information society in Russia, Ukraine and Israel"). Today, the development of education is perceive as an essential prerequisite for economic and social well-being of our society. In turn, civil society expects the universities to perform their active role, designed to help meet the challenges of the XXI century. The development of the universities’ ability to quickly respond to new demands of the labor market and to adapt, update, develop and introduce new areas of study to ensure demand for the graduates provides the participation in the international projects of the European program improving higher education «TEMPUS». The project TEMPUS — ECOMMIS («double-level training programs of e-commerce developing the information society in Russia, Ukraine and Israel») was launched in October 2011, and belongs to a class of joint projects to develop new courses and courses for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The project consortium involves 12 universities from Germany, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Israel, Russia and Ukraine. The main objective of the project is to develop and implement new academic courses and areas of study, taking into account the current status and trends of economic development and the specific requirements of the labor market on the basis of cooperation between universities in different countries. The main feature and complexity of the project academic content of is that e-commerce as an academic concept is absolute new and it appeared just only in the last decade. It is a new interdisciplinary field of knowledge, which is located at the intersection of economics and computer science and it is not covered by the classical training courses in economics and computer science technology. The aspects of national and international law in connection with the growth of international trade, economic cooperation and the development of new Internet based technologies should be taken into account. For the project’s period of three years on the basis of international cooperation the following results were obtained: 1) The analysis and modernization of existing curricula in the field of e-commerce were carried out; 2) new training modules with the introduction of the European creditmodular system of accumulation and transfer transcripts units (ECTS) were developed; new modules and courses: e-commerce, electronic payment systems; Internet trading in the financial markets and the stockmarket systems; Information systems for financial analysis and investment; Information systems for business process modeling; corporate information systems and portals; Customer-oriented systems; Internet Marketing; electronic systems for document management; legal aspects of e-commerce; advanced course security for e-commerce were introduced; 3) two international online games to enhance practical skills in the field with online marketing and online trading were developed and conducted among university students; 4) skills training courses e-commerce for various social groups (students, housewives, pensioners, unemployed) were developed and tested; 5) business offices, e-commerce were established to strengthen cooperation between the universities in the labor market and to create the conditions of commercialization of the project results after the end of financial support from the TEMPUS Program. 6) textbooks on the topic of the project were developed and published.eng
dc.format.extent315 p.
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.subjectVE04 - Kūrybinės industrijos, skaitmeninės visuomenės plėtra / Creative industries, digital society development
dc.typeMonografija / Monograph
dcterms.accessRights | Reviewer: prof.habil.dr. Borisas Melnikas, head of the Department of International Economics and Management, Business Management Faculty, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
dc.type.pubtypeK1a - Monografija / Monograph
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.institutionNational Research University
dc.contributor.institutionNational Mining University
dc.contributor.institutionTashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies
dc.contributor.institutionBerlin TU
dc.contributor.facultyVerslo vadybos fakultetas / Faculty of Business Management
dc.subject.researchfieldS 003 - Vadyba / Management
dc.subject.researchfieldS 004 - Ekonomika / Economics
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL103 - Įtrauki ir kūrybinga visuomenė / Inclusive and creative society

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