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dc.contributor.authorBroszkiewicz, Magdalena
dc.contributor.authorKolnhofer-Derecskei, Anita
dc.contributor.authorKuranovič, Veslav
dc.contributor.authorMarinova, Nadya
dc.contributor.authorMegyesiova, Silvia
dc.contributor.authorSmerek, Lukáš
dc.contributor.authorVetráková, Milota
dc.contributor.authorBozsik, Sándor
dc.contributor.authorČižiūnienė, Kristina
dc.contributor.authorKlimavičienė, Rūta
dc.contributor.authorZinkevičiūtė, Virgilija
dc.contributor.authorVasilis Vasiliauskas, Aidas
dc.contributor.authorSzemán, Judit
dc.contributor.authorGróf, Pál
dc.contributor.authorSüveges, Gábor
dc.contributor.authorIvanova, Mariya Aleksandrova
dc.contributor.authorZorkóciová, Otília
dc.contributor.authorĎuranová, Lucia
dc.contributor.authorKopitov, Rostislav
dc.contributor.authorKopitova, Natalija
dc.contributor.authorMarcu, Laura
dc.contributor.authorTokmazishvili, Mikheil
dc.contributor.authorKoberidze, Beka
dc.contributor.authorLeskó, Anett Katalin
dc.contributor.authorMolnar, Viktor
dc.contributor.authorFaludi, Tamas
dc.contributor.authorPiotrowska-Piątek, Agnieszka
dc.contributor.authorReicher, Regina
dc.contributor.authorSofrankova, Beata
dc.contributor.authorCabinova, Veronika
dc.contributor.authorJakkel, Vivien
dc.contributor.authorMusinszki, Zoltán
dc.contributor.authorAdami, Carlo
dc.contributor.authorBezpartochnyi, Maksym
dc.contributor.authorŽivitere, Marga
dc.contributor.authorRiashchenko, Viktoriia
dc.contributor.authorKamiński, Ryszard
dc.description.abstractTransformation of international economic relations envisages the creation of new and development of existing institutions, free economic zones, migration of human capital, investment features that contribute to solving not only economic but also social issues through activating investment and foreign economic activities of enterprises and creating new jobs. This gives grounds for the formation of world economic models in which the creation of jobs in such economic zones depends on the operation of international institutions. Institutional economic models, their formation and development occupy a special place in understanding the content of the dynamics of modern international economic relations. When studying institutional models for the development of international economic relations, it is necessary to take into account the features of development and the conditions of activity of groups of countries between which economic ties are formed. These are countries with developed market economies, transition economies, new industrial countries, developing countries. Other significant factors influence the formation of a certain institutional model for the development of international economic relations: the existing nature of the structure of the national economic system, the degree of integration of the national economy into the world economic space, the historical, political and legal traditions of the development of international economic cooperation of each particular country for two and many extraneous levels. The transition to a new stage of world civilizational development towards a postindustrial, information society based on the knowledge economy, human and social capital, in the era of total globalization determines the formation of a new institutional paradigm for the development of international economic relations. Transformation of the institutional model of international economic relations should be carried out at three institutional levels: in the norms of the national economic system; in the rules on which entrepreneurs are operating partners of national economies; in institutions that are established by official international institutions, international associations and associations. The institutional model of international economic relations should include the basic elements arising from the new institutional economic theory and take into account the realities of modern international relations of economic interaction at different levels (economic theory, contract theory, transaction costs, political climate, psychological prerequisites, etc.). Institutional models can encompass both the world community and regional or bilateral levels. Rules and norms of international economic cooperation are laid between countries for decades by various subjects of economic interaction; significantly affect the development of institutional models of bilateral economic relations. In the institutional context (legal mechanisms, contractual agreements, bilateral agreements, etc.), the practice of bilateral international economic models can differ substantially between countries and regions of the world economic space, as it is the result of prevailing subjective factors of economic interaction or reflection of the theory of social capital in international economic relations. Prospects for the development of modern models of international economic relations envisage a deepening of the methodology for analyzing the formation of a new institutional paradigm of economic theory as the basis for practical actions in reforming international economic interaction.eng
dc.format.extent296 p.
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.subjectTD04 - Transporto ir logistikos technologijos, transporto rūšių sąveika / Transport and logistics technology, interaction of transport modes
dc.titleTransformation of international economic relations: modern challenges, risks, opportunities and prospects = Starptautisko ekonomisko attiecību transformācija: mūsdienu problēmas, riski, iespējas un perspektīvas
dc.typeMonografija / Monograph
dcterms.accessRightseISSN 1492-8965. VGTU aut. str.: 1. Chinese and cross-cultural negotiations strategies in international business in the global world / V. Kuranovič, p. 29-36. 2. Chinese international business strategies and tactics in teaching and learning methods of research / V. Kuranovič, p. 153-162. 3. Factors affecting foreign direct investment in the Lithuanian transport sector / K. Čižiūnienė, R. Klimavičienė, V. Vasilienė-Vasiliauskienė, A. Vasilis Vasiliauskas, p. 94-103. 4. Solutions toward faster development of green warehouses in Lithuania / A. Vasilis Vasiliauskas, V. Vasilienė-Vasiliauskienė, K. Čižiūnienė, p. 230-239.
dc.type.pubtypeK1a - Monografija / Monograph
dc.contributor.institutionWrocław University of Economics
dc.contributor.institutionObuda University, Budapest
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.institutionNew Bulgarian University, Sofia
dc.contributor.institutionUniversity of Economics, Bratislava
dc.contributor.institutionMatej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
dc.contributor.institutionMatej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
dc.contributor.institutionUniversity of Miskolc, Hungary
dc.contributor.institutionUniversity of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia
dc.contributor.institutionISMA University, Riga
dc.contributor.institutionValahia University of Targoviste
dc.contributor.institutionTbilisi I. Javakhishvili State University St. Andrew Georgian University
dc.contributor.institutionSt. Andrew Georgian University, Tbilisi
dc.contributor.institutionUniversity of Miskolc
dc.contributor.institutionGovernment Office of B-A-Z County, Miskolc
dc.contributor.institutionKielce University of Technology
dc.contributor.institutionObuda University Keleti, Budapest
dc.contributor.institutionUniversity of Presov
dc.contributor.institutionKyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
dc.contributor.institutionPoltava University of Economics and Trade
dc.contributor.institutionVentspils University College
dc.contributor.institutionISMA University
dc.contributor.institutionAdam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
dc.contributor.facultyVerslo vadybos fakultetas / Faculty of Business Management
dc.contributor.facultyTransporto inžinerijos fakultetas / Faculty of Transport Engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldS 003 - Vadyba / Management
dc.subject.researchfieldT 003 - Transporto inžinerija / Transport engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldS 004 - Ekonomika / Economics
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL106 - Transportas, logistika ir informacinės ir ryšių technologijos (IRT) / Transport, logistic and information and communication technologies
dc.subject.enGreen logistic
dc.publisher.nameISMA University

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