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dc.contributor.authorAndriejauskas, Tadas
dc.description.abstractSiekiant sukurti nenutrūkstamą ir integruotą transporto sistemą, kuri tarnautų augantiems Europos verslo ir visuomenės poreikiams - Europos nacionalinių kelių tyrimų institutų asociacija FEHRL vysto koncepciją "Visada atviri keliai, geležinkeliai, oro ir vandens keliai" (angl. Forever Open Road, Rail, Runway and River, FORx4).lit
dc.description.abstractForum of European Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL) has started initiative, called the Forever Open Road, Rail, Runway and River, (FORx4). The initiative focuses on infrastructure innovation for seamless mobility, contains the four modes of road, rail, runway and river and four shared domains of infrastructure, technology, governance and customers. Initiative is highly supported by a number of EU countries as well as European Commission. Following this initiative, two international research projects FOX IForever Open infrastructure across (X) all transport modes) and USE-iT (Users, Safety, security and Energy in Transport Infrastructure) received funding from European Commission's Horizon 2020 programme. Both projects aim to develop a highly efficient and effective cross-modal R&D environment and culture, where infrastructure owners and transport operators will be encouraged to work together, share knowledge and cooperate in a way that will be beneficial to all parties. This will be reached by the involvement of all stakeholders (owners, researchers, and industry) of the four transport modes to determine the state- of-the-art in research and practice and identify the most promising practices. The FOX project will identify common needs and innovative techniques in the areas of construction, maintenance, inspection, and recycling & reuse of transport infrastructure while the USE-iT project - in the areas of user information, safety & security, energy & carbon of transport infrastructure. The most advanced European road research organisations are participating in these projects. Lithuanian researchers (prof. dr. Audrius Vaitkus, doc. dr. Viktoras Vorobjovas, MSc. Tadas Andriejauskas) from Vilnius Gediminas technical university are contributing to these projects too.eng
dc.format.extentp. 76-77
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.subjectSD03 - Pažangios statybinės medžiagos, statinių konstrukcijos ir technologijos / Innovative building materials, structures and techniques
dc.titleBendros Europos transporto sistemos link
dc.typeStraipsnis mokslo, meno populiarinimo leidinyje / Article in science, art promotion publication
dc.type.pubtypeS6 - Straipsnis mokslo, meno populiarinimo leidinyje / Article in science, art promotion publication
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyAplinkos inžinerijos fakultetas / Faculty of Environmental Engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldT 002 - Statybos inžinerija / Construction and engineering
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL106 - Transportas, logistika ir informacinės ir ryšių technologijos (IRT) / Transport, logistic and information and communication technologies
dcterms.sourcetitleLietuvos keliai
dc.description.issueNr. 2 (35)
dc.publisher.nameEx Arte

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