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dc.contributor.authorPrzybysz-Zaremba, Małgorzata
dc.contributor.authorRimkūnienė, Dalia
dc.contributor.authorZinkevičiūtė, Virgilija
dc.contributor.authorButvilas, Tomas
dc.description.abstractWithin the context of the 21st century education paradigm competence and new skill require new authentic learning methods. The growing popularity of the project-based learning (hereinafter PBL) paradigm, as an active, student-centric methodology, is related to extended opportunities in terms of knowledge attainment, facilitating the acquisition of several transversal competences such as team work, search and selection of information and synthesis and analysis abilities. Therefore in this paper authors would present main features of PBL identifying aspects that give both students and teachers a kind of drive for the involvement of all parties in the learning process; also discussion on the innovativeness within PBL paradigm is presented and finally some obstacles/challenges are dealt on the basis of leaving an open space for further considerations and possible explorations on the effectiveness using this approach in learning and teaching.eng
dc.format.extentp. 211-215
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.relation.isreferencedbyEducation Source
dc.subjectVE02 - Integruotos komunikacijos strategijos ir koncepcijos / Integrated communication strategies and concepts
dc.titleProject-based learning: the complexity, benefits, and challenges within 21st century education
dc.typeStraipsnis kitoje DB / Article in other DB
dc.type.pubtypeS3 - Straipsnis kitoje DB / Article in other DB
dc.contributor.institutionAcademy of Humanities in Pułtusk (Poland)
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus verslo kolegija
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.institutionMykolo Romerio universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyTransporto inžinerijos fakultetas / Faculty of Transport Engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldS 007 - Edukologija / Educology
dc.subject.researchfieldS 003 - Vadyba / Management
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL103 - Įtrauki ir kūrybinga visuomenė / Inclusive and creative society
dc.subject.enKnowledge-based cooperation
dc.subject.enInnovative approaches
dc.subject.enProject-based learning
dcterms.sourcetitleJournal of educational review (JER)
dc.description.volumevol. 8
dc.publisher.nameSerials Publications
dc.publisher.cityNew Delhi

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