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dc.contributor.authorKoval, Viktor
dc.contributor.authorAtstaja, Dzintra
dc.contributor.authorSkačkauskienė, Ilona
dc.description.abstractThe rational use of natural resources and energy efficiency are considered key parameters for the possibility of an economy’s transition to sustainable development. Decarbonization and energy transition define the requirements for the functioning of the energy economy. The circular economy minimizes the need to use new resources to generate energy while reducing the environmental impact. Consisting of 13 papers written by research experts on a topic of interest, this book reports on the latest research on the circular economy and sustainable innovation. A methodology is presented for analysing scenarios for the introduction of low-carbon technologies in a circular economy, as well as programs related to the reduction of CO2 emissions through investment in renewable energy sources.eng
dc.format.extent285 p.
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEnergies Special issue 1996-1073
dc.titleNew insights into circular economy and sustainable development
dc.typeSudaryti mokslo darbai / Compiled research papers
dcterms.accessRightsArticles in this book are Open Access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications.
dcterms.licenseCreative Commons – Attribution – 4.0 International
dc.type.pubtypeK5 - Sudarytas mokslo darbas / Compiled scientific paper
dc.contributor.institutionIzmail State University of Humanities
dc.contributor.institutionBA School of Business and Finance, Riga
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyVerslo vadybos fakultetas / Faculty of Business Management
dc.subject.researchfieldS 003 - Vadyba / Management
dc.subject.researchfieldS 004 - Ekonomika / Economics
dc.subject.vgtuprioritizedfieldsEV01 - Šiuolaikinių organizacijų plėtros vadyba / Management of Contemporary Organizations Development
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL103 - Įtrauki ir kūrybinga visuomenė / Inclusive and creative society
dc.subject.ensustainable development
dc.subject.encircular economy
dc.subject.engreen organization

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