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dc.contributor.authorTraškinaitė, Dalia
dc.description.abstractThis is the largest and most modern centre for physical and chemical sciences and technology research in Lithuania and the Baltic states. The new science complex in Saulėtekis is slowly nearing completion and its overall picture is starting to emerge. In their arrangement, the buildings of very varied architecture make up a square, the perimeter of which is becoming clearer, even though differently sized than planned. The science centre, becoming a Mecca for scientists keeps up with other more modern buildings of similar sort in the number of its laboratories of various fields and amount of equipment, as well as the architectural and engineering solutions of both its interior and exterior, whose harmony characterises the building, which itself is harmoniously integrated into the larger complex of surrounding science buildings, and maintains an image of rational and expressive architecture. Such realisation of a building, characterised by a particular functional specificity, has become a substantial but in the end successfully completed challenge.eng
dc.format.extentp. 46-50
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.subjectSD01 - Architektūra, urbanistika, kraštovaizdžio architektūra, teritorijų planavimas / Architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture and regional planning
dc.titleNacionalinis fizinių ir technologinių mokslų centras
dc.typeStraipsnis meno, kultūros, profesiniame leidinyje / Article in art, culture, professional publication
dc.type.pubtypeS5 - Straipsnis meno, kultūros, profesiniame leidinyje / Article in art, culture, professional publication
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyArchitektūros fakultetas / Faculty of Architecture
dc.subject.researchfieldH 003 - Menotyra / Art studies
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL103 - Įtrauki ir kūrybinga visuomenė / Inclusive and creative society
dc.description.issueNr. 1-2(62-63)

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