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dc.contributor.authorSederevičiūtė-Pačiauskienė, Živilė
dc.description.abstractThree years ago, in order to meet the specific needs of our market, we started to train the specialists of Entertainment Industry and the Bachelors of Communications. Last year, we have also started another unique in Europe Bachelor’s programme – the Event Management programme. Three VGTU faculties and a big company, supervising the equipment of the events, developed the programme. The programme and the maintenance of its quality opens up a new stage for our Faculty, being a direct model of collaboration between our University and the business, at the Programme Committee represented by a whole business group, instead of one social partner. The Council of social partners, consisting of the most famous Lithuanian event organizers and companies, supervising the equipment of the events, sponsor the Event Management programme. We look forward to opening the door to foreign students, seeking for education in study programmes of the first or second cycle, and working actively with foreign partners, culminating in training the double degree Master’s programmes.eng
dc.format.extentp. 43
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.subjectVE - Technologijų vadyba ir ekonomika / Technology management and economics
dc.titleĮsimintiniausi universiteto dešimtmečio įvykiai
dc.typeStraipsnis mokslo, meno populiarinimo leidinyje / Article in science, art promotion publication
dc.type.pubtypeS6 - Straipsnis mokslo, meno populiarinimo leidinyje / Article in science, art promotion publication
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyKūrybinių industrijų fakultetas / Faculty of Creative Industries
dc.subject.researchfieldS 008 - Komunikacija ir informacija / Communication and information
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL103 - Įtrauki ir kūrybinga visuomenė / Inclusive and creative society
dcterms.sourcetitleSapere Aude
dc.description.issueNr. 1(12)

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