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dc.contributor.authorJuzefovič, Agnieška
dc.description.abstractMonografija skirta tarpkultūrinių sąveikų problematikai, kurios aktualumą lemia globalizacija ir vis intensyvesni tarpkultūriniai santykiai. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama vaizdo analizei bei vizualinės komunikacijos klausimams, kuri vaizdo paveiktoje dabartinėje kultūroje tampa esminė. Monografiją sudaro devyni probleminiai skyriai, kurių kiekvienas gali būti skaitomas kaip savarankiškas. Knyga galėtų būti įdomi visiems besidominantiems menu, kultūros studijų, vizualumo, komunikacijos problematika.lit
dc.description.abstractPresent book analyses two areas of creative communication – visual and intercultural. Te relevance of the work is evidenced by the visualisations of life and intensifying intercultural contacts in the epoch. Modern culture is the culture of image – mottled, twinkling, fast-changing and more and more intense images in public spaces of the city and in various spheres of the person’s life. Currently traditional formats of newspaper and magazine is changed by Internet informational portals, in which the texts become shorter and shorter, and the accompanying images become more plentiful. Textual information in such news portals are replaced by photo images, flmed video commentaries which are accompanied by short texts. Visually provided information considered as an more attractive and effective to a modern recipient. Teachers and lecturers notice that nowadays teenagers and youth have difculties in concentrating on the lecturer’s speaking if the latter is not accompanied by additional visual material. Terefore, even then, when the topicality of the lecture does not require images, the slides start showing the text itself, more important theses, as for the modern representative of the young generation, who is used to see and not to hear, such format of information is more casual and more easy to remember. It is naïve to think that images will suddenly begin shrinking, rather on the contrary – every year, with the emergence of new, more effective, smart electronic media of image generation, distribution and usage, images will become a more important part of the human’s casualty. Te visualisation of modern culture did not escape the attention of the researchers – history specialists, cultural theoreticians, philosophers, communication specialists more often choose not traditional texts as the object of the research, but the images. Academic invasion of visual reflexion to various bars of humane and social sciences is described with the phenomenon of visual turn. Visualisation and visual turn determine the relevance of this topicality. In the age of globalisation, various cultures mix and interact more intensely. Cultural globalisation, its accompanying cheap international flights and the Internet, delete specifc features of cultures with such energy and speed which simply were unimaginable several decades ago. In the sequence of intense intercultural correlations, there are more various misunderstandings, often conflicts as well. Not accidentally, in recent decades, international terrorism, earlier manifested in an unseen extent, is considered the consequence of namely globalisation and culture mixing. Te help of the Internet and other media is secular and consumer-oriented. Economic migration determines that in developed countries, there entrench more and more immigrants which are not always able to successfully adapt in different culture, and its growing number is viewed by some local inhabitants in a quite hostile way. There rapidly increases the human mobility, the world becomes a smaller and resembling “global village”, and the character of a cosmopolitan becomes a typical representative of the interface of the 20–21st century. Perceiving that the processes of globalisation and intense intercultural correlation will neither be stopped nor slowed, the academic researchers suppose to pay more and more attention to the topicality of intercultural correlations and intercultural communication.eng
dc.format.extent126 p. :
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.subjectVE04 - Kūrybinės industrijos, skaitmeninės visuomenės plėtra / Creative industries, digital society development
dc.titleTarpkultūrinė komunikacija: vaizdas ir kūryba
dc.title.alternativeIntercultural communication: image and creation
dc.typeMonografija / Monograph
dcterms.accessRightsAsmenvardžių rodyklė: p. 117-120 Recenzentai: akad. prof. Algis Mickūnas (Ohajo universitetas; JAV); dr. Salomėja Jastrumskytė (Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas)
dc.type.pubtypeK1a - Monografija / Monograph
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyKūrybinių industrijų fakultetas / Faculty of Creative Industries
dc.subject.researchfieldH 001 - Filosofija / Philosophy
dc.subject.researchfieldS 008 - Komunikacija ir informacija / Communication and information
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL103 - Įtrauki ir kūrybinga visuomenė / Inclusive and creative society

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