Rodyti trumpą aprašą

dc.contributor.authorBureika, Gintautas
dc.contributor.authorYatskiv (Jackiva), Irina
dc.contributor.authorPrentkovskis, Olegas
dc.contributor.authorMaruschak, Pavlo
dc.description.abstractWe are greatly pleased that popularity of the International Scientific Conference TRANSBALTICA is increasing and participant geography is constantly expanding. Since 1999 the Conference has grown into an event with 106 submitted and accepted papers for publication. Latest research findings are presented by scientists from 20 countries which nearly covers an entire continent of Eurasia: from India and Jordan situated in the South, Great Britain and Spain – in the West, China and Russia (Siberia) – in the East, Latvia and Estonia – in the North. This demonstrates that problem aspects of the transport system analysed in the conference are cutting-edge and relevant to a great extent. With the progress of the knowledge-based economy, advanced information technologies are rapidly spreading into vehicle and transportation management process. Thus, transport experts and scientists inevitably face challenges of IT application, improvement and successful use. The pollution of the atmosphere by toxic gases pertains to another urgent issue to be solved – global warming. The major part of this pollution is comprised of the exhaust gases emitting from internal combustion engines. The amount of the poisonous emissions can be significantly reduced by using alternative fuels and innovative technologies for internal combustion engines control. The keynote of the 10th International Scientific Conference TRANSBALTICA 2017: Transportation Science and Technology is smart, sustainable and green transport. Conference participants have submitted their presentations on the basis of four main topics: Environment Friendly and Energy Sparing Transport Means, Transportation and Logistics Technologies, Transport Infrastructure, Traffic Modelling and Control and Intelligent Transport Systems. The majority of the submitted papers to this year TRANSBALTICA are closely linked with the above mentioned problem analysis and the search for possible solutions. We sincerely thank the reviewers for competent work and valuable comments which significantly contribute to the quality control and improvement of the submitted papers. We hope that our TRANSBALTICA will promote international and professional relations among researchers from various Eurasian regions. Immediate exchange of the latest knowledge, innovative methods of scientific research and acquired practise will provide a new impulse for collaboration, research projects and academic/scientific exchanges. We kindly wish you a fruitful and interactive work at the Conference.eng
dc.format.extent808 p.
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProcedia engineering vol. 187 1877-7058
dc.relation.isreferencedbyConference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (Web of Science)
dc.subjectTD04 - Transporto ir logistikos technologijos, transporto rūšių sąveika / Transport and logistics technology, interaction of transport modes
dc.titleTRANSBALTICA 2017: transportation science and technology: proceedings of the 10th international scientific conference, May 4–5, 2017, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania.
dc.typeSudaryti mokslo darbai / Compiled research papers
dc.type.pubtypeK5 - Sudarytas mokslo darbas / Compiled scientific paper
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.institutionTransport and Telecommunication Institute
dc.contributor.institutionTernopil Ival Pul’uj State Technical University
dc.contributor.facultyTransporto inžinerijos fakultetas / Faculty of Transport Engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldT 003 - Transporto inžinerija / Transport engineering
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL106 - Transportas, logistika ir informacinės ir ryšių technologijos (IRT) / Transport, logistic and information and communication technologies
dc.subject.entransportation science and technology

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