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dc.contributor.authorKatz, Dovid
dc.description.abstractThe fall of the Iron Curtain swiftly enabled free trade in goods and services between the nation states of Eastern Europe freed from Soviet domination with the West and much of the rest of the world. No less important was a new flow of ideas, generally on a west-to-east trajectory, including organizing principles for political processes and governments, education, media, the arts, and more, in short, models for societal structure and governance. Western mores and institutions readily took root in those nations with substantial anti-Soviet and often anti-Russian sentiments, both among the former Warsaw Pact nations, such as Poland and Hungary, and in some former Soviet republics, principally the three Baltic states, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. One common denominator was a legacy, strong by virtue of personal memory and convincingly conveyed immediate family legacy, of the facts of generally successful independent statehood in the interwar period. By contrast, new states such as Belarus and Ukraine had eastern “halves” that had been part of the Soviet Union from around the time of the Russian Revolution. Their western sectors were by contrast “lost parts” of the interbellum Polish Republic, whose official languages bore irksome similarity to Russian, and they were inclined to head, at least initially, in different directions.eng
dc.format.extentp. 413-443
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.subjectVE04 - Kūrybinės industrijos, skaitmeninės visuomenės plėtra / Creative industries, digital society development
dc.titleFree trade awry? On the export of ‘Double Genocide’ revisionism
dc.typeStraipsnis kitame recenzuotame leidinyje / Article in other peer-reviewed source
dc.type.pubtypeS4 - Straipsnis kitame recenzuotame leidinyje / Article in other peer-reviewed publication
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyKūrybinių industrijų fakultetas / Faculty of Creative Industries
dc.subject.researchfieldS 002 - Politikos mokslai / Politic studies
dc.subject.researchfieldH 005 - Istorija ir archeologija / History and archeology
dc.subject.researchfieldS 008 - Komunikacija ir informacija / Communication and information
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL103 - Įtrauki ir kūrybinga visuomenė / Inclusive and creative society
dc.subject.enDouble genocide
dc.subject.enEastern Europe.
dcterms.sourcetitleCollection Médiévales (Amiens)
dc.publisher.namePresses du Centre d'études médiévales de Picardie

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