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dc.contributor.authorCruceanu, Cătălin
dc.contributor.authorCrăciun, Camil Ion
dc.contributor.authorCruceanu, Ioan Cristian
dc.contributor.authorDoleček, Radovan
dc.contributor.authorČerný, Ondřej
dc.contributor.authorNěmec, Zdeněk
dc.contributor.authorJan, Pidanič
dc.contributor.authorPavel, Kolpakhchyan
dc.contributor.authorZarifian, Alexander
dc.contributor.authorAndruschenko, Alexander
dc.contributor.authorLiudvinavičius, Lionginas
dc.contributor.authorDailydka, Stasys
dc.contributor.authorTartakovskyi, Eduard
dc.contributor.authorUstenko, Oleksander
dc.contributor.authorVolodymyr, Puzyr
dc.contributor.authorYurii, Datsun
dc.contributor.authorSchlingensiepen, Jörn
dc.contributor.authorFlorin, Nemtanu
dc.contributor.authorMarinov, Marin
dc.contributor.authorSładkowski, Aleksander
dc.contributor.authorGrzegorz, Karoń
dc.contributor.authorMrówczyńska, Bogna
dc.contributor.authorCieśla, Maria
dc.contributor.authorKról, Aleksander
dc.contributor.authorRakhmangulov, Aleksandr
dc.contributor.authorOsintsev, Nikita
dc.contributor.authorMishkurov, Pavel
dc.contributor.authorMuravev, Dmitri
dc.description.abstractRail transport is one of the most important sectors for the economies of many developed countries. Its importance can and should increase in the future. This is explained quite simply. In comparison to aviation, rail takes longer, but is significantly less expensive. Marine and river transport are great alternatives, but they are significantly slower than rail transport in moving goods to their destination. In addition, most importantly, transport via by ship often leaves goods short of their final destination, requiring further road or rail transport. Rail transport’s most serious competition comes from truck transport. However, truck transport loses its advantage when delivering cargo over long distances, particularly those in excess of 400 km. In addition, there are important environmental and safety aspects. Again, in this regard, rail transport has an edge. Thus, developed countries are interested in developing rail transport as an alternative to road transport. This entails having an effective system for delivering goods and passengers on various continents, particularly within Eurasia. It is obvious that the development of this mode of transport cannot be considered in isolation from other transport modes. For example, for the transport of passengers over long, transcontinental distances, air transport has significant advantages. However, the best way to get people and to and from airports is by rail. Similarly, the transport of large quantities of goods, such as containers, is best carried out by sea or inland waterway, particularly if there are no significant time constraints. But transport to and from the port is also often most efficient via rail. Thus, rail transport may be considered a subsystem of the intercontinental transport system. Rail transport is a highly complex system consisting of rolling stock, transport infrastructure (track facilities, energy supply systems, numerous buildings, etc.), administration, management and control services. It should be added that the manufacturer of all these elements and fulfilling their maintenance (plants, repair shops, depots, etc.), the relevant educational institutions, which are required to prepare personnel for some extent related to the rail transport.eng
dc.format.extent456 p.
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.relation.ispartofseriesStudies in Systems, Decision and Control vol. 87 2198-4182 2198-4190
dc.subjectTD03 - Transporto sistemų ir eismo modeliavimas, optimizavimas, sauga ir valdymas / Transport systems and traffic modeling, optimization, safety and management
dc.titleRail transport—systems approach
dc.typeMonografija / Monograph
dcterms.accessRightsThe aspects of modernization of diesel-electric locomotives and platform for transportation of railway switches in Lithuanian railways / Lionginas Liudvinavičius, Stasys Dailydka, p. 135-216. (82 p.) Train protection systems in different railway gauges / Lionginas Liudvinavičius, Aleksander Sładkowski, p. 273-319. (46 p.) Viso 12 p. L. Liudvinavičius - indėlis 70%, kitų bendrautorių 30%
dc.type.pubtypeK1a - Monografija / Monograph
dc.contributor.institutionUniversity Politehnica of Bucharest
dc.contributor.institutionS.C. Atelierele CFR Grivita S.A.
dc.contributor.institutionUniversity of Pardubice
dc.contributor.institutionRostov State Transport University, Rostov-on-Don
dc.contributor.institutionEngineering Center “Rail technology”, Novocherkassk
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.institutionUkrainian State University of Railway Transport, Kharkiv
dc.contributor.institutionI3CM Fulda, Fulda TH Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt
dc.contributor.institution“POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest
dc.contributor.institutionNewcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
dc.contributor.institutionSilesian University of Technology, Katowice
dc.contributor.institutionNosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
dc.contributor.facultyTransporto inžinerijos fakultetas / Faculty of Transport Engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldT 003 - Transporto inžinerija / Transport engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldT 001 - Elektros ir elektronikos inžinerija / Electrical and electronic engineering
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL106 - Transportas, logistika ir informacinės ir ryšių technologijos (IRT) / Transport, logistic and information and communication technologies
dc.subject.enrail transport
dc.subject.ensystematic analysis
dc.subject.enrail transport infrastructure and management

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