dc.contributor.author | Arnautovs, Aleksandrs | |
dc.contributor.author | Bikovens, Oskars | |
dc.contributor.author | Blumbergs, Ilmars | |
dc.contributor.author | Hauka, Maris | |
dc.contributor.author | Gribniak, Viktor | |
dc.contributor.author | Nasibulins, Aleksejs | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2023-09-18T16:59:25Z | |
dc.date.available | 2023-09-18T16:59:25Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2015 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://etalpykla.vilniustech.lt/handle/123456789/118513 | |
dc.description.abstract | Izgudrojums attiecas uz konstrukciju materiālu līmēšanai paredzētiem ar termoplastiem pildītiem epoksīda adhezīviem ar paaugstinātu sabrukšanas stigrību. Tehniskais uzdevums, kuru risina piedāvātais izgudrojums, ir epoksīda adhezīva sabrukšanas stigrības paaugstināšana pēc tā sacietēšanas. Vienkomponenta epoksīda adhezīvs konstrukciju materiālu līmēšanai satur komponentus šādās proporcijās, masas daļas: bisfenola A epoksīdsveķi: 100; pildviela – poliētersulfons ar daļiņu izmēru <100 nm: 2,5–15; disperģētājs – bifunkcionāls silāns, kas satur glicidoksilgrupas un trimetoksisililgrupas: 0,5–1,5; cietināšanas paātrinātājs – bora trifluorīda komplekss ar monoetilamīnu: 0,5–1,0; cietinātājs – 4,4’- diaminodifenilsulfons: 30–36; plastifikators – n-butilglicidilēteris: 4–8. | lav |
dc.description.abstract | 1. One-component epoxy adhesive for bonding construction materials contains biphenol A epoxy resins, a thermoplastic filler (polyethersulfone) and an aromatic amine base, characterized in that the polyestersulfone component having a particle size of less than 100 nm. A thermoplastic filler 4.4'-diaminodiphenylsulfone is used as a hardener. A boron fluoride complex with monoethylamine is added as a curing accelerator; n-butylglycidylether – as a plasticizer; a bifunctional silane – as a dispersant. The adhesive contains reactive organic glycidoxyle and inorganic trimethoxysilyl, in proportion to the components: bisphenol A epoxy resin - 100; thermoplastic filler - polyether sulfone with a particle size <100 nm – from 2.5 to 15; dispersant – bifunctional silane containing glycidoxyl and trimethoxysilyl – from 0.5 to 1.5. Curing accelerator – boron fluoride complex with monoethylamine from 0.5 to 1.0. Hardener – 4.4'-diaminodiphenylsulfone – from 30 to 36; plasticiser - n-butylglycerylether – from 4 to 8. 2. An epoxy adhesive according to claim 1, in which polythene sulfone having a particle size less than 100 nm, previously treated with a bifunctional silane containing reactive organic glycidoxyl and inorganic trimethoxysilyl, is introduced as a thermoplastic filler. | eng |
dc.format.extent | 5 p. | |
dc.format.medium | tekstas / txt | |
dc.language.iso | lav | |
dc.source.uri | https://www.lrpv.gov.lv/sites/default/files/20151020.pdf | |
dc.subject | Epoksīda adhezīvs | |
dc.subject | Konstrukcijas materiāli | |
dc.subject | Celtniecības polimēri | |
dc.subject | Adhezīvs | |
dc.subject | C09J163/00 - / | |
dc.subject | SD03 - Pažangios statybinės medžiagos, statinių konstrukcijos ir technologijos / Innovative building materials, structures and techniques | |
dc.title | Vienkomponenta epoksīda adhezīvs konstrukciju materiālu līmēšanai | |
dc.title.alternative | One-component epoxy adhesive for bonding structural materials | |
dc.title.alternative | Vien-komponentės epoksidiniai klijai konstrukcinių medžiagų sujungimui | |
dc.type | Patentai, įregistruoti kitose šalyse / Patents registered in other countries | |
dcterms.references | 0 | |
dc.type.pubtype | N1f - Patentas, įregistruotas kitos šalies patentų biure / Patent registered in patent office of other country | |
dc.contributor.institution | Latvijas Universitate | |
dc.contributor.institution | Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas | |
dc.contributor.faculty | Statybos fakultetas / Faculty of Civil Engineering | |
dc.contributor.department | Statinių ir tiltų konstrukcijų institutas / Institute of Building and Bridge Structures | |
dc.subject.researchfield | T 008 - Medžiagų inžinerija / Material engineering | |
dc.subject.researchfield | T 002 - Statybos inžinerija / Construction and engineering | |
dc.subject.ltspecializations | L104 - Nauji gamybos procesai, medžiagos ir technologijos / New production processes, materials and technologies | |
dc.subject.ltspecializations | C101 - Civilinės inžinerijos mokslo centras / | |
dc.subject.lt | Epoksidiniai klijai | |
dc.subject.lt | Konstrukcinės medžiagos | |
dc.subject.lt | Statybos polimerai | |
dc.subject.lt | Adhezija | |
dc.subject.en | Epoxy adhesive | |
dc.subject.en | Construction materials | |
dc.subject.en | Construction polymers | |
dc.subject.en | Adhezion | |
dc.publisher.name | Latvijas Republikas patentu valde | |
dc.publisher.city | Riga | |
dc.identifier.elaba | 24018552 | |
dc.identifier.number | LV 15061 | |