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dc.contributor.authorPoška, Algimantas Juozas
dc.contributor.authorRinkevičienė, Roma
dc.contributor.authorSavickienė, Zita
dc.contributor.authorLisauskas, Saulius
dc.contributor.authorPetrovas, Andrius
dc.description.abstractMonografijoje nagrinėjamos įvairiose mechatroninėse sistemose naudojamos tiesiaeigės asinchroninės elektros pavaros, kurios valdomos ir derinamos savitais (netradiciniais) būdais. Gvildenami tokių sistemų teorijos ir praktinio taikymo klausimai: sandara, statiniai ir dinaminiai režimai, programinė įranga. Pateikiama realių sistemų pavyzdžių. Tiesiaeigėms mechatroninėms sistemoms nagrinėti sudaryti specialūs matematiniai ir kompiuteriniai modeliai, pagrįsti realiomis tokių sistemų veikimo sąlygomis. Skaičiavimų ir procesų imitavimo rezultatai pateikiami gausia iliustracine medžiaga. Leidinys skiriamas elektros ir elektronikos inžinerijos, mechatronikos mokslo ir mokymo reikmėms: mokslo darbuotojams, doktorantams, magistrantams ir gamybos specialistams, dirbantiems technologinių procesų automatizavimo srityje.lit
dc.description.abstractThe monograph text is divided to introduction, 12 main chapters, references and supplements. Every one main chapter is completed with generalization. In the introduction it is stated, that the most part of advanced mechanisms is controlled by automatic electric drives comprising electrical motor, which converts electrical power to mechanical, power converter, controlling energy supply for the motor and thereby the produced mechanical power; microcomputer, controlling semiconductor choppers of converter or microprocessor control system with sensors, producing feedback signals. Such an automatic electric drive, together with the control mechanism, forms a mechatronic system that integrates into a unifed whole mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, computer engineering and control engineering subsystems. Mechanism with recurrent excursion of working body or some bodies usually is formed from conventional rotational movement of electric motor and kinematic chains, changing rotational movement to excursion or recurrent movement. Never-theless, in some cases, when peculiarities of linear electric drive provide the system with new possibilities, it is advisable to apply unconventional electric drives with linear motors, directly transferring movement to actuating body, which sometimes can be aligned with the secondary element of the motor. As the number of systems with recurrent excursion movement reaches about 50%, it is purposeful to apply linear electric motors (LIM) in that. Authors of monograph state, those peculiarities of linear electric motors allow elaborating more effective mechatronic systems, than conventional ones. Tese specifc properties of LIM are considered in the main chapters of monograph. The first monograph chapter considers specifc ways of formation steady-state and dynamic characteristics of linear induction motors, application areas of linear induction electric drives (LIED) controlled by unconventional ways, thus justifying the relevance of the studies presented in the other chapters. Te second chapter discusses the author‘s scientifc publications to publish the methods of calculating the parameters and characteristics of the LIM and the LIED, which are used to solve the problems in other chapters.A new approach to the selection (modifcation) of the LIM starting force is revealed in the third chapter of the monograph, the proposed LIED starting force is selected by modifying the dimensions and material of the secondary element. The fourth chapter of the monograph examines the possibility of forming the dynamic characteristics of the LIED, thus changing the dimensions of the LIM secondary element, so that the movement of this element changes extent of interaction of the LIM and the secondary element. Control of electrically and magnetically two-sided LIM starting force by shifing the poles of one of the inductors is discussed in the fifth monograph chapter. Here is a description of the LIM control by the inductor‘s shifing in a traveling magnet-ic feld in forward or in the opposite direction: the theoretical LIM starting force dependence on the inductor‘s degree of mutual displacement, and the experimental results are presented.Te sixth monograph chapter presents the theoretical and experimental results of the LIM starting force control opportunities, similar to the ones presented in the fifth monograph section. Only here is the non-mechanical (as in Chapter 5), and the electronics control mode, when the phase-regulator of the three-phase voltage system is used.Te specifc methods for forming the mechanical properties of a cylindrical structure LIM (CLIM) are discussed in the seventh chapter of the monograph.Te eighth chapter of the monograph examines the formation of electrically and magnetically two-sided LIM dynamic characteristics by switching inductors and in-vestigates the problem of the formation of the dynamic characteristics of a multi-in-ductor electric catapult.Te ninth chapter deals with the methods of changing the resistance of the secondary element of the LIM, presents the dynamical equations of the LIM with variable parameters of the secondary element, on the basis of which a computer model of the LIM with variable secondary element parameters is made, and the results of simulation of the dynamic characteristics of the linear electric drive are considered.Te specially designed linear electric drives for dampers of dust explosion localizing systems are being analyzed in the tenth monograph chapter. Here is an overview of the latest information on industrial dust bursts and investigations on the construction of blocking fre damper, used in automatic dust localizing systems for dust explosion systems, and the deformation of moving (secondary) elements (LIM), under the influence of explosion wave pressure, and blocking fre damper dynamics.Te eleventh chapter of the monograph discusses the problems of asymmetric LIM control, their solutions and analyzes the infuence of the change in the active resistance of one LIM phase to the mechanical characteristics of the LIM and the speed of the transients. The twelfth chapter of the monograph examines the peculiarities of linear induction electric motors and drives, describes test benches for linear induction motors with fexible and disk secondary elements, and one for the inductor controlled by the displacements in direction with forward traveling magnetic feld, starting force test bench. At the end of the monograph, there are annexes and monographs quoted literature.eng
dc.format.extent207 p. :
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titleSavitai valdomos tiesiaeigės asinchroninės elektros pavaros. Teorija ir taikymas
dc.title.alternativeUnconventional controlled linear electric drives. Theory and application
dc.typeMonografija / Monograph
dcterms.accessRightsRecenzavo: prof. habil. dr. Rimvydas Simutis (KTU); prof. dr. Vygaudas Kvedaras (VGTU), dr. Vytautas Rinkevičius (UAB „Gaudrė“)
dc.type.pubtypeK1a - Monografija / Monograph
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyElektronikos fakultetas / Faculty of Electronics
dc.subject.researchfieldT 001 - Elektros ir elektronikos inžinerija / Electrical and electronic engineering
dc.subject.vgtuprioritizedfieldsMC0101 - Mechatroninės gamybos sistemos Pramonė 4.0 platformoje / Mechatronic for Industry 4.0 Production System
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL104 - Nauji gamybos procesai, medžiagos ir technologijos / New production processes, materials and technologies
dc.subject.lttiesiaeigės asinchroninės elektros pavaros
dc.subject.lttiesiaeigiai asinchroniniai varikliai (TAV)
dc.subject.ltsavitieji tiesiaeigių pavarų valdymo būdai
dc.subject.ltmatematiniai ir kompiuteriniai modeliai
dc.subject.ltstatiniai ir dinaminiai režimai
dc.subject.enlinear induction electric drives
dc.subject.enlinear induction motors (LIM)
dc.subject.enunconventional control methods of linear electric drives
dc.subject.enmathematical and computer models
dc.subject.enstatic and dynamic conditions and computer models

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