Rodyti trumpą aprašą

dc.contributor.authorPruskus, Valdas
dc.description.abstractStraipsnyje, remiantis atlikto tyrimo duomenimis, analizuojama profesinių mokyklų mokinių požiūris į galimybes išlaikyti egzaminus ir tęsti studijas aukštojoje mokykloje, renkantis technologinę kryptį. Taip pat aiškinamasi, kaip tas galimybes vertina profesijos ir bendruosius dalykus dėstantys mokytojai. Pateikiami siūlymai gerinti mokinių motyvacijai, renkantis technologinės pakraipos studijas aukštojoje mokykloje.lit
dc.description.abstractOn the basis of the data of the carried out research, the article analyzes the attitude of students of vocational schools towards the possibilities to pass the exams and to continue studies in the higher school choosing technological trend. The evaluation of those possibilities by profession subject teachers is also presented. The research showed that one third (31.3 per cent) of students who graduated from vocational school was going to continue their studies in the higher school, one fifth (20.1 per cent) was not going to study and about a half (48.3 per cent) have not decided what to do. The students of vocational schools evaluate their possibilities to pass the state exams rather reservedly. Only third of them (36.9 per cent) considers it as realistic and almost half (45.3 per cent) hardly believe it could happen. Over half of the surveyed (49.3 per cent) vocational schools’ students evaluate the quality of school subjects as sufficient and 12.1 per cent – as high to pass the state exams, 6.1 per cent of students evaluate as insufficient and 0.9 per cent – as low. However, one third of the surveyed do not have clear opinion (it is difficult to say – 31.6 per cent). Almost half of the surveyed vocational schools’ students think their possibilities to continue studies in the higher school are realistic – 34.2 per cent, very realistic – 8.1 per cent, unreal – 9.6 per cent and totally un-real – 4 per cent. Almost half of the surveyed do not have clear opinion (it is difficult to say – 43.9 per cent). Almost half of the surveyed profession subject teachers (48 per cent) think that after graduating vocational school students are absolutely ready to continue studies in the higher school but one third of them (33.5 per cent) doubt it. The proposals on improvement of students’ motivation in choosing technological trend in the higher school are presented here as well.eng
dc.format.extentp. 85-92
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.relation.isreferencedbyUlrich's Web (nenaudotinas)
dc.relation.isreferencedbyIndex Copernicus
dc.relation.isreferencedbyCEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library
dc.relation.isreferencedbySocINDEX with Full Text
dc.titleProfesinių mokyklų mokinių pasirinkimo ir galimybių tęsti studijas technologinėje kryptyje vertinimas
dc.typeStraipsnis kitoje DB / Article in other DB
dc.type.pubtypeS3 - Straipsnis kitoje DB / Article in other DB
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyHumanitarinis institutasui-button / Institute of Humanitiesui-button
dc.subject.researchfieldS 007 - Edukologija / Educology
dc.subject.ltAukštoji mokykla
dc.subject.ltProfesinė mokykla
dc.subject.ltTechnologinė kryptis
dc.subject.ltMokymo kokybė
dc.subject.enHigher school
dc.subject.enVocational school
dc.subject.enTechnological trend
dc.subject.enQuality of education
dcterms.sourcetitleSantalka. Filologija. Edukologija
dc.description.issuenr. 2
dc.description.volumeT. 18

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