Rodyti trumpą aprašą

dc.contributor.authorGerdvilis, Virginijus
dc.description.abstractSpartus daugiabučių namų projektų daugėjimas naujajame dešimtmetyje perteikė Lietuvos socialinį, ekonominį ir kultūrinį kontekstą. Šiuolaikiniam amžiui būdingi paradoksai. Tiek didžiojoje šiuolaikinio pasaulio dalyje, tiek Lietuvoje būstas dažnai tampa ir gyvenamąja erdve, ir investicija. Viena vertus, gyvenamoji statyba yra sparčiai besiplečiančios pastatų tipologijos dalis, tačiau ji taip greitai nesikeičia, kaip kad pasikeitė prekybos ar administraciniai pastatai. Gyvenamųjų namų statyba labai priklauso nuo tradicijų ir žmonių sąmonėje įsigalėjusių stereotipų. Visgi didėjanti individualizacija, tradicinės šeimos sampratos kaita, visuomenės senėjimas, emigracija ir nauji darbo rinkos pokyčiai daro įtaką ir daugiabučių namų programoms. Funkcinė namo struktūra – tai vienas svarbiausių veiksnių, kuris lemia architektūrinę pastato išraišką, bet kartu ji yra tarsi savotiškas konkrečiam laikotarpiui būdingo gyvenimo būdo veidrodis. Monografijoje apžvelgiama XX a. daugiabučių, statytų Lietuvos didmiesčiuose, funkcinės struktūros raida. Projektai parinkti autoriaus nuožiūra, jie nėra pavyzdiniai ir nebūtinai geriausiai atspindi Lietuvoje vykusius procesus. Tai veikiau instinktyvus autoriaus pasirinkimas, siekis apžvelgti kuo daugiau įvairių tipų daugiabučių namų realizacijų ir projektų. Monografijos tikslas – išnagrinėti daugiabučių namų raidos pokyčius. Monografija galės būti naudojama ir kaip mokomoji literatūra studijų procese, ji gali būti naudinga daugiabučių namų projektų plėtotojamslit
dc.description.abstractTaking into consideration especially dynamic at the moment development of residential houses and blocks of flats in Lithuania, it is a matter of urgency to analyze in different aspects the state of apartment houses in our country, their functional structure and evolution of their essential features within historical context. It is also important to disclose radical transformation processes blocks of flats have been undergoing at the recent period of independent Lithuania. The brand new trends and processes of development are revealed in abroad scientific studies and discussed in specialized publications. Whereas Lithuania scarcely has a few studies of the kind made a long time ago. But these also lack a deeper analysis of functional structures of contemporary residential housing and wider disclosure of effect thereto by socio-cultural factors. Lithuanian blocks of flats of the 1930-ies corresponding to their analogues in Western Europe underwent rough deformations during the Soviet period. Residential housing built at that time was anonymous, designed according to politically ideologized norms. Although when in the last decade of the 20th century Lithuania regained its independence and its political and socio-cultural situation has changed again radically, extremely rapid development transformations can be noticed in design and planning of residential houses and blocks of flats. In the stage of fast political and economic development of the country (as this is what contemporary Lithuania faces at the moment), a matter of great importance is to define functional structure typology of a multi-compartment plan developed in length of time. Globalization makes an inevitable influence on traditional forms of living. Therefore formulation of precise and relevant definition of contemporary housing structure is possible not only after performance of analysis on an apartment building as such, but rather upon making an exhaustive research of circumstances determining the condition of such building. Such condition-determining factors could be the following: presence or absence of children in a family, part of town where the residential building is located (down town or suburbia), residents’ code of behavior followed in their relationship with others, forms of spending leisure time being preferred, an individual’s need to stay mobile or absence of such need, and ways of communication with other people in daily life. Advanced technologies in construction and recent constantly evolving possibilities for computerized designing methods have strongly modified a concept of contemporary housing coined at the beginning of the 20th century by Modernists. Therefore on the background of variable social development, contemporary architects are facing similar situation as avant-garde creators at the start of the previous century. A conclusion could be drawn here that a block of flats may once again become a new architectural research laboratory. The subject matter of this monograph is the analysis of functional structure of residential housing and its typological transformations, disclosure of housing evolvement trends and causalities. The concept of “housing” in this work implies a flat space in an apartment building. Our aim is to explore one of the essential factors defining the functional structure of the multi-apartment layout, i.e. vertical and horizontal relations between flats, as well as between premises present in a flat. Among other things, the work analyzes the changes in organization of the aforementioned relations throughout the 20th century. [...]eng
dc.format.extent160 p.
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titleDaugiabučių funkcinės struktūros raida Lietuvoje
dc.title.alternativeHousing plans in Lithuania
dc.typeMonografija / Monograph
dcterms.accessRightsRecenzavo: prof. dr. K. Zaleckis (KTU), prof. dr. A. Mačiulis (VDU), prof. dr. J. Jurevičienė (VGTU)
dc.type.pubtypeK1a - Monografija / Monograph
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyArchitektūros fakultetas / Faculty of Architecture
dc.subject.researchfieldH 003 - Menotyra / Art studies
dc.subject.enResidential house
dc.subject.enContemporary housing structure
dc.subject.enFlat space in an apartment building

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Rodyti trumpą aprašą