dc.contributor.author | Laukaitis, Antanas | |
dc.contributor.author | Sinica, Marijonas | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2023-09-18T19:08:51Z | |
dc.date.available | 2023-09-18T19:08:51Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2006 | |
dc.identifier.isbn | 9986059771 | |
dc.identifier.other | (BIS)VGT02-000024721 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://etalpykla.vilniustech.lt/handle/123456789/136035 | |
dc.description.abstract | Monografijoje nagrinėjamos beautoklavio akytojo betono technologijos ir savybės. Knygoje pateikti putų savybių gerinimo būdai, išdėstomos putų cementbetonio savybės ir jo, kaip kompozitų matricos, ryšiai su kompozitų užpildais. Nagrinėjami daugiasluoksniai termoizoliaciniai kompozitai ir jų savybės, gvildenami šių kompozitų eksploatacijos klausimai. Knyga skirta technikos specialybių studentams, dėstytojams, projektavimo ir gamybos organizacijų darbuotojams. | lit |
dc.description.abstract | They are compared with deformations of the same naturally stiffened concrete. The maximum temperature of steaming, till which reinforcing grid of vitreous texture does not fragment, is determined. Results of shock strength of thin partition composite materials are presented in this monograph, results of researches of other type thermal insulating composite materials which matrix is non-autoclaved foam cement, fillers are varied in size and configuration granules of foam polystyrene or shredded wastes of tare of foam polystyrene are also presented. It is determined that better adhesion of these fillers with fillers of composite material is received when fillers are hydrofilized ahead. The influence of fillers to properties of new composite material - compressive and flexion strengths, thermal conduction, conduction of water steam, permanent humidity, is presented. Regressive equations are deduced to describe these properties. Separate chapters are dedicated to running researches of new composite materials, new technologies of non-autoclaved porous concrete and for usage of new materials and composite materials, by using non-autoclaved porous concrete, in building constructions. The monograph is dedicated to students of technical speciality professions, to engineeres and organizations of production employees. | eng |
dc.format.extent | 235 p. | |
dc.format.medium | tekstas / txt | |
dc.language.iso | lit | |
dc.rights | Laisvai prieinamas internete | |
dc.source.uri | https://leidykla.vgtu.lt/index.php?id_product=782&id_product_attribute=0&rewrite=beautoklavis-akytasis-betonas-ir-kompozitiniai-jo-gaminiai&controller=product&id_lang=1 | |
dc.source.uri | https://talpykla.elaba.lt/elaba-fedora/objects/elaba:3984657/datastreams/COVER/content | |
dc.source.uri | https://talpykla.elaba.lt/elaba-fedora/objects/elaba:3984657/datastreams/ATTACHMENT_3984663/content | |
dc.source.uri | https://talpykla.elaba.lt/elaba-fedora/objects/elaba:3984657/datastreams/ATTACHMENT_3984664/content | |
dc.source.uri | https://talpykla.elaba.lt/elaba-fedora/objects/elaba:3984657/datastreams/MAIN/content | |
dc.source.uri | https://talpykla.elaba.lt/elaba-fedora/objects/elaba:3984657/datastreams/ATTACHMENT_3984666/content | |
dc.title | Beautoklavis akytasis betonas ir kompozitiniai jo gaminiai | |
dc.title.alternative | Non-autoclaved porous concrete and it's composite products | |
dc.type | Monografija / Monograph | |
dcterms.accessRights | Recenzavo prof. habil. dr. R. Abraitis, doc. dr. Z. Valančius, dr. V. Leitlands (Latvija), LVMSF ekspertai | |
dcterms.references | 238 | |
dc.type.pubtype | K1a - Monografija / Monograph | |
dc.contributor.institution | Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto Termoizoliacijos institutas | |
dc.contributor.institution | Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas | |
dc.contributor.faculty | Termoizoliacijos mokslo institutasui-button / Scientific Institute of Thermal Insulationui-button | |
dc.subject.researchfield | T 008 - Medžiagų inžinerija / Material engineering | |
dc.subject.lt | betonas | |
dc.subject.lt | kompozitas | |
dc.subject.lt | akytasis betonas | |
dc.subject.en | concrete | |
dc.subject.en | composite materials | |
dc.subject.en | lightweight concrete | |
dc.publisher.name | Technika | |
dc.publisher.city | Vilnius | |
dc.identifier.doi | VGT02-000024721 | |
dc.identifier.doi | ELB01-000000156 | |
dc.identifier.doi | LT-eLABa-0001:B.03~2006~ISBN_9986-05-977-1 | |
dc.identifier.elaba | 3984657 | |