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dc.contributor.authorJučiūtė, Edita
dc.contributor.authorSkerys, Kęstutis
dc.description.abstract"Mėgstu kolekcionuoti, bet nesu dėl to pakvaišęs, - mintimis apie savo pomėgius dalijosi Kelių katedros docentas, FIBA krepšinio komisaras Kęstutis Skerys. - Tiesiog spėju visur ir norėčiau spėti dar daugiau. Man niekada nepatiko turėti vieną užsiėmimą ir užsisklęsti savo namuose, todėl man keistai skamba kai kurių kolegų pasakymai, kad metus ar daugiau dėl darbų nebuvo išėję į Vilniaus senamiestį... O aš noriu po senamiestį vaikščioti nors ir kiekvieną dieną. Jeigu dažnai juo nepereinu, nejaukiai jaučiuosi. Man norisi gyventi visavertį gyvenimą, noriu viską pamatyti savo akimis. Dažnai lankausi dailės parodose. Ir visai nesvarbu, ar aš suprantu, ar nesuprantu tų meno kūrinių, bet įdomu įvertinti pačiam. Dažnai nusiperku ir kokį Lietuvos dailininkų tapybos darbą, tik, deja, jau trūksta sienų jiems pakabinti".lit
dc.description.abstract“I like to collect, but I’m not crazy about it – Kestutis Skerys, Assoc. Prof. of Roads Department, basketball commissioner of FIBA (International Basketball Federation) shared thoughts about his hobby of collecting. – I just manage to cope with everything and I would like to do even more. I’ve never enjoyed to engage only in one activity and retreat in my home”. Kestutis Skerys has a unique collection of match box labels, badges and photographs on basketball theme, as well as writers’ autographs. According to Kestutis Skerys, collecting is not a disease of gathering and storing things, but one of the joys of life and ways of giving meaning to it. Having started to shoot basketball stands seven years ago, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University lecturer was surprised at his countrymen’s ingenuity: “When constructing a basketball stand with a board, Lithuanians use all kinds of available materials, including poles, walls or trees, making the most of the existing park area. Where else in the world can you see so many different homemade basketball stands with hoops made of casks, bicycle wheels, or simply constructed of wire? When travelling along the roads of Lithuania and rural paths my eyesight was always captured by roadside crosses, lots of which you can find close to country crossroads, rural homesteads. Cross-making in Lithuania is protected by the UNESCO world organization. Our “second religion” attribute – basketball stand should also be included in this list…” Kestutis Skerys also has a collection of original footage: when staying abroad he takes pictures of his feet and the pavement that he walks on. The most interesting walking experience for Kestutis Skerys was along the ancient Roman Empire road Via Appia, a stretch of which is near the city of Rome.eng
dc.format.extentp. 42-51, 65
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.subject00 - Klasifikacija netaikoma / Classification does not apply
dc.titleDžiaugiuosi, laimei, ne tik kolekcionavimu
dc.typeStraipsnis mokslo, meno populiarinimo leidinyje / Article in science, art promotion publication
dc.type.pubtypeS6 - Straipsnis mokslo, meno populiarinimo leidinyje / Article in science, art promotion publication
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas / Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyAplinkos inžinerijos fakultetas / Faculty of Environmental Engineering
dc.contributor.departmentViešosios komunikacijos direkcija / Public Communication Office
dcterms.sourcetitleSapere Aude
dc.description.issuenr. 2(3)

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