Rodyti trumpą aprašą

dc.contributor.authorMačiulaitis, Romualdas
dc.contributor.authorMalaiškienė, Jurgita
dc.description.abstractTiek pasaulio, tiek ir Lietuvos mokslininkų yra išnagrinėta, kaip kinta keramikos savybės, keičiant pusgaminių džiovinimo, degimo temperatūrą, naudojamus priedus ir jų kiekius formavimo mišinyje. Tačiau nėra pateikta keramikos savybių ir nagrinėjamųjų technologinių parametrų abipusio kompleksinio vertinimo, leidžiančio gauti greitą grįžtamąjį ryšį ir reguliuoti vykdomą technologinį procesą. Knyga skirta keraminės produkcijos gamintojams, mokslininkams ir studentams, studijuojantiems statybinių medžiagų savybes ir gamybos technologijas.lit
dc.description.abstractThe above-mentioned mutual evaluation scientifically justifies the importance of the control – management system of the technological process in accordance to technological regulations, which enables and ensures the quality and desired properties of the manufactured products. The new quality control system provides the basis for calculating the necessary composition of the formation mix and the parameters of drying and burning regimes in order to produce ceramic products having the desired characteristics. hence, finding no deviation from the limits on the performed experiments, ceramics holding the desired properties can be regulated and produced. In this case, it is necessary to insert the numerical values of physical-mechanical parameters into mathematical equations, and solving them, to obtain recommendations to form mix components and their quantities and drying and burning regimes in order to produce ceramics having the selected properties. Conversely, selecting the values of the main technological parameters (components of the formation mix and their quantities, drying and burning regimes) provides a possibility of predicting the properties of ceramic bodies. Moreover, the employed control-management system of the technological process gives fast feedback showing changes in the formation mix, drying and burning temperatures, time for keeping at the maximum temperature, the rate of temperature increase and the duration of cooling affecting the main characteristics of the produced ceramics. Therefore, when applying these principles, the manufacturers of ceramic products could quickly change the regulations of the manufacturing process and product range. Our further goals work towards developing special software taking into account all specific raw materials and manufacturing technologies. [...]eng
dc.format.extent184 p.
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titleStatybinės keramikos charakteristikų ir technologinių parametrų reguliavimo galimybės
dc.typeMonografija / Monograph
dcterms.accessRightsRecenzavo: prof. dr. Grigory I. Yakovlev (Iževsko valstybinis technikos universitetas), dr. Genadijs Shakhmenko (Rygos technikos universitetas), prof. habil. dr. Stasys Bočkus (KTU), dr. Olga Kizinievič (VGTU) doi:10.3846/2014-M
dc.type.pubtypeK1a - Monografija / Monograph
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyStatybos fakultetas / Faculty of Civil Engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldT 002 - Statybos inžinerija / Construction and engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldT 008 - Medžiagų inžinerija / Material engineering

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