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dc.contributor.authorNakas, Algimantas Jonas
dc.description.abstractAfter the Second World War many Lithuanian engineers were forced to emigrate to America. Having emigrated to Canada in 1949, for 20 years J. Danys worked for the Canadian government as Chief of Water constructions. He designed or was in charge of designing more than 50 lighthouses and several modern cofferdams. He suggested a new shape of lighthouse piers and researched the ice forces acting on them. Since 1959, the formulas for the calculation of horizontal and vertical ice forces on cone-shaped piers proposed by J. Danys have been used: R=mnbhqc (1); H=mn1bhqc (2); V=mn2bhqc (3) Where R – resultant force on a structure perpendicular to the surface, m – shape and contact coefficient; n – slope coefficient taken as cos A for R; A is a slope angle with the vertical; H and V – horizontal and vertical components of R; b – protected width of the structure, equivalent to the diameter for the circular shape; h – effective thickness of ice sheet; qc – effective strength of ice. J. Danys proposed the idea and was in charge of designing several artificial islands. J. Danys published a lot of research papers and reviews and he presented numerous reports at international conferences. The engineering work and scientific research of J. Danys earned recognition in the scientific world, especially in Canada. The famous specialist in hydraulic scientific world D. B. Muggeridge wrote to J. Danys: “It was a pleasure to acknowledge your pioneering contributions to this field“.eng
dc.format.extentp. 93
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titleJuozo Vincento Danio-Daniliausko indėlis į hidrotechninę statybą ir mokslą
dc.typeKonferencijos pranešimo santrauka / Conference presentation abstract
dc.type.pubtypeT2 - Konferencijos pranešimo tezės / Conference presentation abstract
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyStatybos fakultetas / Faculty of Civil Engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldH 005 - Istorija ir archeologija / History and archeology
dcterms.sourcetitleXIII pasaulio lietuvių mokslo ir kūrybos simpoziumas : Vilnius, 2005 m. birželio 30 d. - liepos 4 d. : tezių rinkinys / Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo ir mokslo ministerija, Lietuvos mokslų akademija, Lietuvos mokslininkų sąjunga
dc.publisher.nameLietuvos mokslininkų sąjunga

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