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dc.contributor.authorPetrušonis, Vytautas
dc.description.abstractAndris Kronbergs gimė 1951 m. 1975-aisiais baigė Rygos politechnikos instituto Architektūros ir civilinės statybos fakultetą. Architekto veiklą pradėjo 1974 m. architektu techniku "Pilsetprojects" projektavimo institute. Toliau ten pat dirbo architektu, vyresniuoju architektu, grupės vadovu. Nuo 1988 m. iki dabar yra projektavimo ir konsultavimo įmonės ARHIS direktorius, vyriausiasis architektas. 1985-1996 m. - Rygos miesto vyriausiojo architekto pavaduotojas, Latvijos architektų sąjungos valdybos narys.lit
dc.description.abstractThe Latvian architect Andris Kronbergs was born in 1951. In 1975 was graduated from Riga Politechnical Institute, the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Enfgineering. The planning institute Pilsetprojects was the beginning of the architect's career (1974), which started from the position of architect-technician, and further developed to architect, senior architect and group manager. From 1988 up to now the architect is director and chief architector of the projecting and consulting company ARHIS. 1985-1996 he was a deputy chief architect of Riga City. Andris Kronbergs is a member of the Latvian Union of Architects. The article introduces a conversation with the architect and provides with the list of his main creative activities.eng
dc.format.extentp. 105-111
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titlePašnekovas: Andris Kronbergs
dc.title.alternativeInterlocutor: Andris Kronbergs
dc.typeStraipsnis meno, kultūros, profesiniame leidinyje / Article in art, culture, professional publication
dc.type.pubtypeS5 - Straipsnis meno, kultūros, profesiniame leidinyje / Article in art, culture, professional publication
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyArchitektūros fakultetas / Faculty of Architecture
dc.subject.researchfieldH 003 - Menotyra / Art studies
dc.description.issueNr. 1

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