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dc.contributor.authorBukotas, Gintaras
dc.contributor.authorKačianauskas, Rimantas
dc.description.abstractIn order to design efficient foundations, it is necessary to know exact behaviour of them and surrounding soil under the load. At present various numerical methods [1-11] are used to determine such response. The behaviour of axi-symmetric bored foundation is described in this paper. The finite element method is utilized in analysis of the foundation. Linear and non-linear properties of material are taken into account. The investigation of properties of soil, predominating in Lithuania, and economical constructing of foundation gives preference to bored foundation [12]. Schematically this type of foundation can be depicted as a cylindrical body resting on soil (Fig 1). Geometrically the foundation can be described through the diameter d and the height h. F denotes the vector of the axisymmetric load. Such bored foundation has ratio h/d ≥ 2 and transmit part of the external load through their side surface to soil. It is very difficult to achieve a shear failure of soil mass for such a type of foundation, but the foundation may suffer significant deflections. It is, therefore, important to known the stress-strain state of soil for design purpose. Various stress-strain models have been proposed for representing the behaviour of soil [14]. These range from very simple linear-elastic to complex elastic-plastic models. In general, the stress vector a is related to the strain vector e through the elasticity matrix [C] (1) [1,2]. The linear-elastic stress-strain model is the simplest. In this case matrix [C] is constant and history independent (2) [4]. More complex is the non-linear-elastic model. Two incremental linear-elastic approaches can be used to handle this problem [4]. In the first case a tangent and in the other - secant modulus are used. The described models imply that volume changes are induced by changes in mean normal effective stress alone, while shear strains are induced by shear stress alone. Investigation shows that volumetric strains are induced by changes in shear stress as well as by changes in the mean normal stress [4, 11]. This can be accounted for the dilatant-elastic stress-strain model. The incremental shear-induced volume change ∆ɛv can be expressed in terms of a tangent dilation parameter α, [10] according to (4), in which ∆ɣ is the increment of maximum shear strain [4]. The dilatant-elastic materials lead to a three-parameter stress-strain model in which the increments of volumetric and shear strain are related to the corresponding stress increments according to (5). The most complex is the elastic-plastic stress-strain model. A basic assumption of elastic models is that the unloading path is identical to the loading path. This is generally not true for soils where the recoverable strain upon unloading is generally small. The recoverable strain is considered to be elastic, while the non-recoverable strain is considered to be plastic. There have been proposed various yield conditions to model those plastic properties of soils. Von Mises yield condition can be written (6) in terms of the second invariant of stress deviator J2 and yield stress У(к) from uniaxial tests [2]. For soils, concrete and other 'frictional' materials the Drucker and Prager law (7) is frequently used [2, 13]. In this law hydrostatic press σm is incorporated, while с and ф are the cohesion and angle of friction, respectively [8]. [...]eng
dc.format.extentp. 24-31
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titleAšiai simetrinio gręžininio pamato analizė įvertinant plastines deformacijas
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis od axisymmetric bore-type foundation in respect of plastic deformation
dc.typeStraipsnis kitame recenzuotame leidinyje / Article in other peer-reviewed source
dc.type.pubtypeS4 - Straipsnis kitame recenzuotame leidinyje / Article in other peer-reviewed publication
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyFundamentinių mokslų fakultetas / Faculty of Fundamental Sciences
dc.subject.researchfieldT 002 - Statybos inžinerija / Construction and engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldT 009 - Mechanikos inžinerija / Mechanical enginering
dc.subject.ltgrunto modeliai
dc.subject.ltstandumo matrica
dc.subject.enefficient foundations
dc.subject.enstress-strain state of soil
dc.subject.endilatant-elastic materials
dcterms.sourcetitleStatyba = Civil engineering
dc.description.issueNr. 2(10)

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