Rodyti trumpą aprašą

dc.contributor.authorTamošauskas, Povilas
dc.description.abstractXXI amžiuje žmonija turės atlikti didžiulį darbą – suteikti gyvenimui prasmę ir išmokti humaniškai elgtis technokratinėje visuomenėje. Aukštųjų mokyklų studentai mato pasaulį, kuriame vyrauja pokyčiai ir tų pokyčių tempas vis didėja. Gyvenimas tokiame pasaulyje kelia globalaus ir lokalaus pobūdžio įtampą. Kūno kultūros ir sporto misija universitetuose – padėti humanizuoti akademinio jaunimo gyvenimą kaip fizinę ir psichinę darną. Fiziškai ir psichiškai sveika, savo potencialą maksimaliai realizuojanti asmenybė tampa modernios visuomenės idealu. Tai reiškia, kad norint universitetams adekvačiai reaguoti į globalaus pasaulio iššūkius, turi būti numatyta kūno kultūros raidos strategija.lit
dc.description.abstractIn the 19 th century the humankind will have to carry out a great job - to give sense to life and learn to behave humanely in a technocratic society. Students of higher schools live in the world where changes dominate and the tempo of the changes increases. Our life in such a world gives rise to stresses of global and local character. The mission of physical education and sport at Universities is to help to humanize the life of the academic youth in the context of physical and psychical harmony. A personality becomes the ideal of modern society only when he or she realizes the potential at a maximum and is physically and psychologically sound. It means that our universities should foresee the strategy of the development of physical education if they want to respond adequately to the challenges of the global world. Research aim is to analyze trends of physical education in the Lithuanian university higher schools and state the factors determining its development. Research object is physical education of students. The article presents university systems of American, European as well as of Asian and African countries. Not enough care or attention is given to the physical education and sport training of students in all educational systems. The Lithuanian higher schools decrease obligatory hours for physical education leaving two hours per week. Sometimes this subject becomes an optional one, completely ignoring the law of physical education and sport. Economic, social, technological and humane factors in the context of physical education are being discussed as well. The strategy of students’ physical education and sport is presented.eng
dc.format.extentp. 80-87
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.relation.isreferencedbySocINDEX with Full Text
dc.titleKūno kultūros raidos tendencijos Lietuvos universitetinėse aukštosiose mokyklose
dc.title.alternativeFactors determining the development of physical education in the higher university schools of lithuania in the context of the challenges of the 21st century
dc.typeStraipsnis kitoje DB / Article in other DB
dc.type.pubtypeS3 - Straipsnis kitoje DB / Article in other DB
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyHumanitarinis institutasui-button / Institute of Humanitiesui-button
dc.subject.researchfieldS 007 - Edukologija / Educology
dc.subject.ltStudentų kūno kultūra
dc.subject.ltUniversitetų sportas
dc.subject.ltFizinės pratybos
dc.subject.ltKūno kultūros raidos veiksniai
dc.subject.enPhysical education of students
dc.subject.enUniversity sport
dc.subject.enClasses of physical training
dc.subject.enFactors of the development of physical training
dcterms.sourcetitleSantalka. Edukologija
dc.description.issuenr. 2
dc.description.volumeT. 15

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