Rodyti trumpą aprašą

dc.contributor.authorBarkauskaitė, Marijona
dc.contributor.authorGribniak, Viktor
dc.description.abstractStraipsnyje aptariamos jaunimo poreikio mokytis aukštosiose mokyklose atsiradimo priežastys. Mokslinės literatūros apžvalgos pagrindu apibūdinami veiksniai, skatinantys jaunimą rinkos sąlygomis siekti aukštojo išsilavinimo. Gvildenama mintis, kad norint nustatyti žmogaus poreikio siekti tam tikros vertybės formavimosi priežastį, būtina tą vertybę analizuoti dviem aspektais: iš vienos pusės - žiūrėti į vertybę kaip į žmogaus vidinę vertybę, o iš kitos - kaip į išorinę (socialiai suformuotą). Mokymasis išanalizuotas aksiologiniu požiūriu. Tokia metodologija leidžia išryškinti vertybių problemą ir parodyti, kas riboja žmogaus galimybes įgyvendinti savo troškimus bei kodėl tarp individo atliekamo socialinio vaidmens ir jo paties siekių gali atsirasti įtampa.lit
dc.description.abstractThe paper focuses on the system of values of the younger generation; its aim is ontological analysis of the system of values of young people and the principles of its formation. The paper describes the reasons behind the need of young people to study in establishments of higher education. The review of scientific literature was used as a basis to describe factors which motivate young people to seek higher education in market conditions. It is stated that in order to determine the reason behind the formation of a human need to seek a certain value, the value must be analysed from two perspectives: as an internal human value, on one side, and as an external (socially determined) on the other. Learning is analysed from the axiological perspective. Such methodology allows to stress the problem of values and to show the factors which limit possibilities to realise desires and why tension can emerge between the social role and individual and his / her objectives. The problem of the formation of personal values and choice of priorities is investigated based on axiological analysis of motivation of young people to study at university. Furthermore, it has been shown that students' view on studies and the rise of the conflict between their social role and personal values depend on this choice. Economic development of the society is associated with rising living standards usually. However, it is important to remember that the main objects of these processes are people and their values and cultural maturity are important as well. First, comes the attitude obtained during the primary socialization that a person with higher education automatically has a higher social value. Second, contemporary economic changes shape a certain demand for people with higher education in the market of well-paid employees. Finally, modern society has favourable attitude towards educated people. Alas, this poses an ethical problem when people tend to seek their career dishonestly: higher education is a good thing helping yong people to achieve their aims but it is rarely associated with knowledge. The axiological aspect allows understanding the reasons behind this problem: knowledge is an external value, and higher education (as an internal value) is often identified only with a certain diploma in young people's minds. Young, educated persons can live in market conditions only in one way - by using market principles: to offer useful and marketable intellectual products. Therefore, a person must be active, pushing and responsible for his / her actions. Thus when deciding to study a person must answer die question first: why am I doing this? People cannot fulfil their objectives without explicit specification of internal standards. A list of such standards would help to understand real opportunities and results of the activities better.eng
dc.format.extentp. 7-13
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.relation.isreferencedbyEducational Research Complete
dc.relation.isreferencedbyEducation Source
dc.relation.isreferencedbyCEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library
dc.titleAukštojo išsilavinimo aksiologinis aspektas
dc.title.alternativeThe axiological aspect of higher education
dc.typeStraipsnis kitoje DB / Article in other DB
dc.type.pubtypeS3 - Straipsnis kitoje DB / Article in other DB
dc.contributor.institutionLietuvos edukologijos universitetas
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyStatybos fakultetas / Faculty of Civil Engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldS 007 - Edukologija / Educology
dc.subject.ltVertybių sistema
dc.subject.ltMokymosi poreikis
dc.subject.enSystem of values
dc.subject.enLearning demands
dcterms.sourcetitlePedagogika : mokslo darbai
dc.description.issue[t.] 86
dc.publisher.nameVPU leidykla

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Rodyti trumpą aprašą