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dc.contributor.authorFilatovas, Ernestas
dc.contributor.authorMelničenko, Grigorijus
dc.contributor.authorJakštys, Vytautas
dc.description.abstractPagrindiniai trimačių vaizdų apdorojimo konkurentai yra DirectX ir OpenGL technologi - jos. Straipsnyje pateikiama šių technologijų lyginamoji analizė. Eksperimentiškai tiriama DirectX ir OpenGL technologijų veikimo sparta. Eksperimentams skirta testinė programinė įranga sukurta po - puliariausiomis programavimo kalbomis C++ ir C#. Darbe pateikiami ir analizuojami tyrimų rezultatai, gauti atlikus kelis skirtingus spartos testus naudojant sukurtą programinę įrangą.lit
dc.description.abstractIn this study, three-dimensional rendering tech - nol ogies DirectX and OpenGL were reviewed. A comprehensive survey, evaluation of advantages and disadvantages, and a comparative analysis of these technologies have been made. By applying C# and C++ programming langua - ges, the software has been developed for testing the speed of DirectX and OpenGL technologies. A relati - vely large number of experiments were conducted in order to determine the speed of these technologies. The experiments included visualization of basic and complex shapes movements, and different depth of shapes. The experimental investigations were performed in Windows and they have revealed that the speed of the DirectX technology is higher. This factor is the most significant one in three-dimensional rendering, especially in the development of computer games. The DirectX technology was proved to be fastest while programming in C#. Moreover, the experimen - tal investigations have indicated that the DirectX technology uses CPU resources more efficiently.eng
dc.format.extentp. 56-65
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.relation.isreferencedbyLibrary, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (EBSCO)
dc.relation.isreferencedbyCEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library
dc.titleOpenGL ir DirectX technologijų spartos palyginimas programuojant trimačius vaizdus
dc.title.alternativeOpenGL ir DirectX technologijų spartos palyginimas programuojant trimačius vaizdus
dc.typeStraipsnis kitoje DB / Article in other DB
dc.type.pubtypeS3 - Straipsnis kitoje DB / Article in other DB
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.institutionLietuvos edukologijos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyFundamentinių mokslų fakultetas / Faculty of Fundamental Sciences
dc.subject.researchfieldN 009 - Informatika / Computer science
dc.subject.researchfieldT 007 - Informatikos inžinerija / Informatics engineering
dcterms.sourcetitleInformacijos mokslai : mokslo darbai
dc.description.volumeVol. 65
dc.publisher.nameVilniaus universiteto leidykla

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