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dc.contributor.authorVladarskienė, Rasuolė
dc.description.abstractAbstract nouns with the sufix -imas (-ymas) are a rather common form in the usage of the administrative language. The suffix is generally used in a very clear meaning of action (or state) and the usage leads to the abstraction common to the administrative language. However the specifics of the language usage can not justify the use of these adjectives. The publication "Kalbos patarimai" specifies 14 inappropriate or inappropriate usage cases involving abstract nouns. Some recommendations specify correct cases of use as well. Sometimes the boundary between a norm and not norm sometimes is not very clear. This article atempts to set out the criteria distinguish the concrete nouns with those who acquired a more specific (concrete) meaning. The more specific (concrete) abstract noun meaning is mainly reflected in the context, the attribute first of all, as well as the opportunity to have a plural form, and such cases are to be distinguished when a noun gains a new meaning.eng
dc.format.extentp. 128-135
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.subjectVE04 - Kūrybinės industrijos, skaitmeninės visuomenės plėtra / Creative industries, digital society development
dc.titleAbstrakčiųjų priesagos -imas (-ymas) daiktavardžių konkretėjimas administracinėje kalboje
dc.title.alternativeThe concreteness of the abstract nouns with the suffix -imas (-ymas) in the administrative language
dc.typeStraipsnis kitame recenzuotame leidinyje / Article in other peer-reviewed source
dc.type.pubtypeS4 - Straipsnis kitame recenzuotame leidinyje / Article in other peer-reviewed publication
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyKūrybinių industrijų fakultetas / Faculty of Creative Industries
dc.subject.researchfieldH 004 - Filologija / Philology
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL103 - Įtrauki ir kūrybinga visuomenė / Inclusive and creative society
dc.subject.ltAbstraktieji daiktavardžiai
dc.subject.ltAdministracinė kalba
dc.subject.ltŽodžių reikšmės
dc.subject.enAbstract nouns
dc.subject.enAdministrative language
dc.subject.enMeaning of words
dc.subject.enNorm of standard language
dcterms.sourcetitleSpecialybės kalba : normų kaita ir kodifikavimas.[Elektroninis išteklius]
dc.publisher.nameMykolo Romerio universitetas

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