Rodyti trumpą aprašą

dc.contributor.authorAmiranashvili, Shalva
dc.contributor.authorČiegis, Raimondas
dc.contributor.authorRadžiūnas, Mindaugas
dc.description.abstractWe present and analyze di erent splitting algorithms for numerical solution of the both classical and generalized nonlinear Schr odinger equations describing propagation of wave packets with special emphasis on applications to nonlinear ber-optics. The considered generalizations take into account the higher-order corrections of the linear di erential dispersion operator as well as the saturation of nonlinearity and the self-steepening of the eld envelope function. For stabilization of the pseudo-spectral splitting schemes for generalized Schr odinger equations a regularization based on the approximation of the derivatives by the low number of Fourier modes is proposed. To illustrate the theoretically predicted performance of these schemes several numerical experiments have been done. In particular, we compute real-world examples of extreme pulses propagating in silica bers.eng
dc.format.extentp. 215-234
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.relation.isreferencedbyScience Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)
dc.subjectFM03 - Fizinių, technologinių ir ekonominių procesų matematiniai modeliai ir metodai / Mathematical models and methods of physical, technological and economic processes
dc.titleNumerical methods for a class of generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equations
dc.typeStraipsnis Web of Science DB / Article in Web of Science DB
dc.type.pubtypeS1 - Straipsnis Web of Science DB / Web of Science DB article
dc.contributor.institutionWeierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyFundamentinių mokslų fakultetas / Faculty of Fundamental Sciences
dc.subject.researchfieldN 001 - Matematika / Mathematics
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL106 - Transportas, logistika ir informacinės ir ryšių technologijos (IRT) / Transport, logistic and information and communication technologies
dc.subject.enGeneralized nonlinear Schrodinger equations
dc.subject.enFinite diiference method
dc.subject.enSplitting method
dc.subject.enSpectral method
dcterms.sourcetitleKinetic and related models
dc.description.issueiss. 2
dc.description.volumeVol. 8
dc.publisher.nameAmerican Institute of Mathematical Sciences

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