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dc.contributor.authorRaslavičius, Laurencas
dc.contributor.authorAzzopardi, Brian
dc.contributor.authorKopeyka, Aleksandr K
dc.contributor.authorŠaparauskas, Jonas
dc.description.abstractAt current usage levels, short rotation coppice (SRC) biomass could be considered as an untapped resource. There is a worldwide interest to extend its sustainable production significantly in a decade to come. However, the cultivation of energy crops is very site-specific and the exploitation of SRC biomass is a relatively new trend in biomass application for heat and power production with little information on its cultivation patterns and appropriate combustion technologies. In fact, documented biomass conversion technologies’ impacts in the energy sector and their commercialisation are limited. This paper aims to present a summary of technical characteristics for different biomass conversion technologies. These characteristics are not necessarily unique to all types and possible modifications of the biomass conversion technologies applied for many countries. However, the lack of technical knowledge have created situations that were previously impossible to be solved without the aid of numerous research and development activities. The developers did not capture all of the economic benefits that the technology provides which would help to reach its technical accomplishment and commercial execution.eng
dc.format.extentp. 495-518
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.relation.isreferencedbyBusiness Source Complete
dc.relation.isreferencedbySocial Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
dc.subjectAE02 - Efektyvios išteklių ir energijos naudojimo sistemos bei technologijos / Efficient use of resources, energy systems and technologies
dc.titleSteep increases in biomass demand: the possibilities of short rotation coppice (SRC) agro-forestry
dc.typeStraipsnis Web of Science DB / Article in Web of Science DB
dc.type.pubtypeS1 - Straipsnis Web of Science DB / Web of Science DB article
dc.contributor.institutionKauno technologijos universitetas
dc.contributor.institutionMalta College of Arts Oxford Brookes university Brian Azzopardi and Associates Consulting Firm
dc.contributor.institutionOdessa I.I. Mechnikov National University
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyStatybos fakultetas / Faculty of Civil Engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldT 006 - Energetika ir termoinžinerija / Energy and thermoengineering
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL102 - Energetika ir tvari aplinka / Energy and a sustainable environment
dc.subject.enBiofuel production costs
dc.subject.enBiofuel supply and demand
dc.subject.enBiomass combustion technologies
dc.subject.enShort rotation coppice (SRC) biomass
dc.subject.enWillow plantations
dcterms.sourcetitleTechnological and economic development of economy
dc.description.issueno. 3
dc.description.volumeVol. 21

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