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dc.contributor.authorHeidary Dahooie, Jalil
dc.contributor.authorMohammadi, Navid
dc.contributor.authorMeidutė-Kavaliauskienė, Ieva
dc.contributor.authorBinkytė-Vėlienė, Arūnė
dc.description.abstractToday, the innovative activities of companies in new service development (NSD) have an undeniable contribution to the economic development of countries. Given the recent advances in the healthcare industry, the issue of NSD and performance management of firms operating in this industry has received special attention of researchers and decision makers. A review of previous research shows that on the one hand there is no agreement among experts on NSD performance measurement criteria and on the other hand there has been no systematic framework that can measure and manage firm performance in this area. The proposed framework should allow for interaction between different decision makers, considering multiple and sometimes conflicting criteria. In this regard, this paper aimed to provide a framework to assess the NSD performance in healthcare industry using multiple-criteria-decision-making methods. The proposed model consists of 17 different criteria that have been identified and finalized based on previous studies as well as experts’ opinions. Then, the indicators are classified with the help of experts in the form of a balanced scorecard model and presented as an initial model. Due to internal relationships between criteria, this model was evaluated using interpretive structural modelling and modelled at 5 different levels. Then, the analytic network process approach was applied to determine criteria weights. Finally, new service development performance in Moheb hospital was evaluated through the framework proposed here.eng
dc.format.extentp. 1481-1508
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.relation.isreferencedbySocial Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
dc.relation.isreferencedbyProQuest Central
dc.relation.isreferencedbyGale's Academic OneFile
dc.rightsLaisvai prieinamas internete
dc.titleA novel performance evaluation framework for new service development in the healthcare industry using hybrid ISM and ANP
dc.typeStraipsnis Web of Science DB / Article in Web of Science DB
dcterms.accessRightsThis is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
dcterms.licenseCreative Commons – Attribution – 4.0 International
dc.type.pubtypeS1 - Straipsnis Web of Science DB / Web of Science DB article
dc.contributor.institutionUniversity of Tehran
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyVerslo vadybos fakultetas / Faculty of Business Management
dc.contributor.facultyStatybos fakultetas / Faculty of Civil Engineering
dc.contributor.departmentTvariosios statybos institutas / Institute of Sustainable Construction
dc.subject.researchfieldS 003 - Vadyba / Management
dc.subject.vgtuprioritizedfieldsEV03 - Dinamiškoji vadyba / Dynamic Management
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL103 - Įtrauki ir kūrybinga visuomenė / Inclusive and creative society
dc.subject.ennew service development
dc.subject.enperformance evaluation
dc.subject.enhealthcare industry
dcterms.sourcetitleTechnological and economic development of economy
dc.description.issueiss. 6
dc.description.volumevol. 27
dc.publisher.nameVilnius Gediminas Technical University

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